1. Report -

    This report highlights the public feedback received during our outreach session at Whiston Hospital on 5 December 2022.
  2. News -

    Ambulance service staff from GMB and Unison trade unions will go on strike again on Wednesday, 11th January 2023, with Unison and Unite members taking further action on Monday, 23rd January 2023. This is a continuing dispute between trade unions and the government over pay.
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    Each year all NHS trusts and foundation trusts publish a Quality Account detailing information relating to quality, performance and improvements that have been undertaken during the preceding year.
    Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals (WHH) would now like to have your views on their Quality Priorities for 2023/2024.
  4. Report -

    Access to an NHS Dentist in Halton is one of the main issues people contact us about. Read our report about the issues facing people looking to access NHS dental care and find out what changes Healthwatch would like to see.
  5. Report -

    We visited the Runcorn UTC twice, in November and December 2022, and spoke with 48 patients.

    This report provides a snapshot of the experiences of those patients.
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    The waiting list for routine NHS care has fallen for the first time since the pandemic began.

    However, 7.19 million people are still waiting for hospital treatment, such as hip and knee replacements. This includes an estimated 1,423 people in England who have been waiting more than two years to start routine hospital treatment at the end of November.
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    Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 2023 runs from the 23rd - 29th January.

    Did you know cervical cancer can be prevented? The tools are available to make cervical cancer a thing of the past. HPV vaccination, cervical screening, and treatment for cell changes can all help prevent it but we need to increase awareness and uptake.
  8. Report -

    This report highlights the public feedback received during our outreach session at Warrington Hospital on 5 January 2023
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    Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust are delighted to announce a collaboration with long term partners Holmusk and the University of Liverpool to establish a mental health analytics and research hub to translate mental health research into results that directly benefit people.
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    Halton residents have an opportunity to shape how technology will be used to improve access to care across the borough.
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    Healthwatch have written a letter to NHS England to express our disappointment at the lack of progress in reviewing the legally-binding Accessible Information Standard.

    Last year, together with a coalition of the UK’s leading charities, we launched the Your Care, Your Way campaign to highlight that everyone should receive healthcare in a format they can understand.
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    Despite blood cancer being the fifth most common cancer and most common childhood cancer, levels of symptom awareness remains low.
    Blood Cancer UK have found that over 50% of adults in the UK can not name a single symptom of blood cancer. Leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma are ALL types of blood cancer. Each have different symptoms, treatments and prognoses.
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    The Cheshire and Merseyside Women's Health and Maternity Programme (Improving Me) would like to improve people’s experience of menopause in Halton and the surrounding areas.

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    Can you help develop a new relationships service, for babies, children and their families? NHS North West Coast Clinical Networks for Perinatal and Early Years Mental Health are interested in developing NHS services that can support parent-child relationships.
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    Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK. Yet the latest data shows that almost one third of people who were sent an NHS bowel cancer screening kit in England last year did not go on to complete it. Early diagnosis is vital as detecting bowel cancer at the earliest stage makes you up to 9 times more likely to be successfully treated. 
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    There are around 100,000 strokes in England, Scotland and Wales every year, with around 33,000 stroke related deaths each year, as well as being a leading cause of disability.

    A stroke is known as a ‘brain attack’. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention as every minute is vital. That is why calling 999 is so crucial.

    When Stroke Strikes Act F.A.S.T. Call 999

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    Endometriosis UK Charity urges everyone with endometriosis symptoms to visit their GP, as data shows three in four women and those assigned female at birth would put off seeking help.

    75% would not go to doctor with potential endometriosis symptoms, which include chronic pelvic pain, painful bowel movements, pain when urinating, painful sex, fatigue and difficulty getting pregnant
  18. Report -

    We hold regular meetings with our Committee in public where we discuss what we've been hearing from the public as well as our organisational direction and progress on projects.
  19. News -

    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime and every 45 minutes one man dies from prostate cancer – that's more than 12,000 men every year.
    Men with early prostate cancer will often have no symptoms because of the way the cancer grows, that's why it's important to know your risk.
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    March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, a time to put ovarian cancer in the spotlight to fast-forward early diagnosis and save lives. Two thirds of women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer too late, when the cancer is harder to treat. Every day in the UK, 11 women die of ovarian cancer, with survival rates in other countries much higher.
    Symptom awareness saves lives. Learn and share the symptoms of ovarian cancer today.
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    March is brain tumour awareness month. A brain tumour is a growth of cells in the brain that multiplies in an abnormal, uncontrollable way.
    One in three people know someone affected by this devastating disease, with over 60 000 people currently living with a brain tumour in the UK.
  22. Report -

    This report is based on feedback collected from 36 patients attending Widnes Urgent Treatment Centre on 16 November 2022 and 14 February 2023.
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    Young Carers Action Day takes place on Wednesday 15th March 2023. A young carer is someone aged 25 and under who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.
    There are an estimated 800 000 young carers in the UK.
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    Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership has today launched a survey to seek the views of its partners, people, and communities on the priorities within our interim strategy.
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    World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) , 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.

    The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.
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    Jenni and Tom are running a new project called 'Round 'ere' with the Civic Data Cooperative, (part of the University of Liverpool). This project aims to understand what being 'well' means to local people and find out if the right information is being used to fully understand this on a really local level.
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    Bridgewater are looking for families to join their new lived experience panel to help make local health services better for children and young people.

    A lived experience panel is when people who use health services or who help look after someone with a healthcare issue come together with staff to decide how we can improve services.

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    ​​​​​​​Someone dies of bowel cancer every 30 minutes in the UK. It’s the second biggest cancer killer, but it shouldn’t be, because it’s treatable and curable. Nearly everyone diagnosed at the earliest stages will survive the disease. Knowing the symptoms is so important – it really could save your life.
  29. Report -

    This report highlights the public feedback received during our outreach session at Halton Hospital on 27 January 2023
  30. Report -

    We visited the Runcorn UTC twice, on 9 January and 13 March 2023, and spoke with 40 patients.

    This report provides a snapshot of the experiences of those patients.
  31. News -

    The public’s views are being sought on changes being made to Spirometry services in Halton and Warrington. 
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    A new website has been launched that will offer people living with a lung condition advice, education and guidance to manage their illness.
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    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has announced that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) costs will be capped at around £20 a year through a new HRT prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) which was launched on the 1st April.
  34. Report -

    This report highlights the public feedback received during our outreach sessions at Halton Hospital in February and March 2023
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    Halton Borough Council has commissioned The University of Chester's Department of Public Health and Wellbeing to conduct a health and wellbeing survey. By understanding what residents feel is important to them in their health and wellbeing, Halton Borough Council can better shape their health and wellbeing support services in future.
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    Find out what was included in the recent urgent and emergency care recovery plan, and how this will affect services next winter.
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    April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, a fantastic annual opportunity to raise awareness of bowel cancer.

    Someone dies of bowel cancer every 30 minutes in the UK. Awareness and seeking help early can help to change this.
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    This year’s Deaf Awareness Week runs from the 1st-7th May 2023, with the theme Access to Communication.

    The aim of this year’s Deaf Awareness Week is to promote greater awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by the deaf community in accessing communication. The theme highlights the need for breaking down the communication barriers that prevent deaf people from fully participating in society.
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    Healthwatch researched maternity issues through a national survey of 2,693 people, 42 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), NHS trusts and GP surgeries, and 20 interviews with new mothers. 
    Your experiences of maternal mental health care continue to shape NHS services, with NHS England recently announcing improvements to maternity and neo-natal services.
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    Workforce is a key area for development, as part of the Governments 10 year plan.

    A new survey has been devised to capture input towards the development of a care workforce pathway.

    The Department of Health and Social care would like to encourage a Halton voice in shaping this piece of work.

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    On 5 July 2023, the NHS will turn 75 years old. This significant milestone is an opportunity to reflect on the past and look ahead to the future.

    The NHS Assembly is now drawing together collective insights on the NHS today, taking stock of recent learnings and highlighting future opportunities and challenges.
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    May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. In the UK, around 147,000 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed each year.
    Most skin cancers are caused by skin damage that happens from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. All types of skin are at risk of sun damage and skin cancer.
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    NHS England has recently published its "Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care". Healthwatch have outlined what the planned changes will mean for you.
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    Finding out your risk of type 2 diabetes only takes a few minutes, but it could be the most important thing you do today....
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    Dementia Action Week runs from the 15th-21st May. Each year, Alzheimer's Society works with individuals and organisations across the UK to encourage people to act on dementia. This year's theme is dementia diagnosis.
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    In July 2022, the responsibility for commissioning healthcare treatments for the population of Cheshire and Merseyside moved from clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) to the newly formed integrated care board, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.
    Previously local areas made local decisions about how healthcare treatments are commissioned, which over time has resulted in some differences across Cheshire and Merseyside. 
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    2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1st-7th June), when Healthwatch Halton will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK. With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ we hope to encourage people to be the change that we want to see and get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them.
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    You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or service, and this is written into the NHS Constitution on GOV.UK.

    From 1 July 2023 the way members of the public make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner is changing.
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    Researchers at the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Data Science Centre are seeking public views to help design a new app that could better study how activity levels vary with changing heart health.