Have your say on the use of technology to improve local health and care services

Halton residents have an opportunity to shape how technology will be used to improve access to care across the borough.
Two men and a woman looking at a laptop

One Halton’s digital strategy will launch in early 2023 with the aim of making sure no residents are digitally excluded.

Ahead of the launch, Halton residents are being asked for feedback on what would help them to use digital services if they were introduced.

Rob Foster, Bridgewater's Programme Director for Collaboration and Integration, said: "During the pandemic, many people relied on websites and apps to stay connected, however figures show that up to one third of people across England still aren’t digitally connected.

"Digital can transform how we access healthcare, especially when services are under increasing pressure, but we can’t create digital solutions that exclude people, which is why it's essential that we work closely with residents."