NHS@75 – an invitation to have your say
The NHS Assembly is now drawing together collective insights on the NHS today, taking stock of recent learnings and highlighting future opportunities and challenges.
They are inviting patients, carers, staff, and the wider health and care community to share their thoughts, which will be used to inform findings that will be shared with NHS England ahead of the 75th Birthday.
The NHS Assembly has published a conversation guide, and an accessible version of the guide.
They are asking for feedback on the questions in the conversation guide by 23:59 on Friday 26 May.
NHS Assembly
The NHS Assembly brings together a range of individuals from across the health and care sectors at regular intervals to advise the board of NHS England on delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP).
The Assembly membership brings broad stakeholder insight and frontline experience to discussions, serving as a “guiding coalition” on implementation of the improvements outlined in the plan.
The Assembly is not itself responsible for LTP implementation and nor does it cut across the current statutory accountabilities of NHS England.