Call to action: Adult Social Care Career Pathway - National Survey.
A new survey has been devised to capture input towards the development of a care workforce pathway.
The Department of Health and Social care would like to encourage a Halton voice in shaping this piece of work.
Care workforce pathway Skills for Care is working in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on a call for evidence to inform the development of a new care workforce pathway for adult social care, as set out in People at the Heart of Care. The pathway will reflect the skills, behaviours and expertise needed to deliver high-quality, personalised, compassionate care and support.
They'd like your views on the pathway, including what it should include, how it should be set out and how they can support people working in care, and social care employers, to use it, so that care workers can develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours to become experts in their field or progress into new roles.
The call for evidence online survey is now open and closes at 23:45 on 31st May 2023.
Download an Easy Read version of the consultation
Easy Read consultation closes at 11:45pm on 15th June 2023.
Find more information on the Care Workforce pathway for adult social care: call for action.