1. Advice and Information -

    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below and find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
  3. Report -

    We completed an announced visit at Halton Haven Hospice on 2 March 2020, on the request of the hospice, to learn about their work and patient care.
  4. Report -

    Report on our visit to Widnes Hall on 28 Jan 2020.
  5. Report -

    Report on our visit to Simonsfield Care Home on 27 Feb 2020
  6. Report -

    Report on our visit to St Patrick’s on 14 January 2020
  7. Report -

    Report on our visit to Madeline McKenna Care Home on 10 December 2019
  8. Report -

    Report on our visit to Trewan House on 21 November 2018
  9. Report -

    Report on our visit to Halton View Care Home on 16 October 2018
  10. Report -

    Report on our visit to Norton Lodge on 12 September 2018
  11. Blog -

    Would you know where to turn for social care support? New polling finds over 40% of people don’t. This confusion can result in people not getting the care they need. Read our latest findings.
  12. News -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) held a consultation in June 2023 on visiting in care homes, hospitals and hospices. They received over 1,400 responses from people receiving care, their friends and families, and health and care staff, and found clear support for introducing in law a new fundamental standard for visiting and accompanying.
  13. Report -

    Report on our visit to Ferndale Court on 9 January 2024.
  14. Report -

    Report on our visit to Halton View Care Home on 17 January 2024.
  15. Response -

    The Government has today announced plans to open 50 new surgical hubs across England. The hubs aim to deliver almost two million extra routine operations to cut waiting lists over the next three years.
  16. News -

    From 10 October 2022, patients who use the Musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment and Triage Service (MSKCATS) will be referred by contacting their GP practice rather than self-referring. 
  17. News -

    Ambulance service staff from GMB and Unison trade unions will go on strike again on Wednesday, 11th January 2023, with Unison and Unite members taking further action on Monday, 23rd January 2023. This is a continuing dispute between trade unions and the government over pay.
  18. News -

    Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership has today launched a survey to seek the views of its partners, people, and communities on the priorities within our interim strategy.
  19. News -

    The public’s views are being sought on changes being made to Spirometry services in Halton and Warrington. 
  20. News -

    In July 2022, the responsibility for commissioning healthcare treatments for the population of Cheshire and Merseyside moved from clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) to the newly formed integrated care board, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.
    Previously local areas made local decisions about how healthcare treatments are commissioned, which over time has resulted in some differences across Cheshire and Merseyside. 
  21. News -

    People across Cheshire and Merseyside are being urged to use NHS 111 for all non-emergency healthcare needs ahead of industrial action by junior doctors both ahead of Christmas and early in the New Year.

  22. News -

    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission, addresses health inequalities across England.
  23. News -

    We want to hear what matters to you and what areas of health and social care you think we should focus on for the year ahead. We are also giving you the chance to win a £25 gift voucher!
  24. Advice and Information -

    You've told us that you've experienced problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what to do if you're refused the right to register.
  25. Advice and Information -

    People are often in need of out-of-hours medical assistance. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  26. Advice and Information -

    If you are experiencing or feel at risk of domestic abuse, or are worried about someone who might be, find out where you can go for advice and help.
  27. News -

    To mark Cervical Screening Awareness Week (20-26 June), Healthwatch Halton is joining Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust to raise awareness of the test and encourage sharing of tips and experiences to help more women and people with a cervix to attend.
  28. News -

    The North West’s chief pharmacist is reminding people not to leave it too late to order repeat prescriptions ahead of the four-day Jubilee bank holiday next week.
  29. News -

    In 2020 the law around organ donation in England changed to an opt-out system, to enable more people to save more lives. This means that unless you choose to opt out, or are in an excluded group, you will be considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when you die.
  30. News -

    We join together as NHS and charity leaders to encourage people with a weakened immune system to continue to book in or visit a walk-in centre for their COVID-19 vaccines. All individuals aged 12 years and over who are immunosuppressed are advised to receive a Spring booster dose of the vaccine, typically six months after their last dose.
  31. News -

    Clear, understandable information is important to help you make the right health and care decisions. Join our campaign and have your say on what needs to change.
  32. News -

    It is estimated that at least 1,788 people live with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) across Liverpool, Halton, Knowsley and South Sefton.
  33. News -

    It’s National Breastfeeding Week from the 27th of June to the 3rd of July 2022, and everyone has a part to play in helping mums to breastfeed. The theme for the week is ‘Everyone has a part to play in helping mums to breastfeed’. The key focus will be the difference that can be made if everyone supports breastfeeding e.g. partners, the wider family, community, health and education services and workplaces.
  34. Advice and Information -

    Mental health problems are more common among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ+) people. If you are struggling, feel alone or need a little help, then check out our guide on how you can get the support you need.
  35. Advice and Information -

    The way people access healthcare has changed a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  36. Advice and Information -

    Although most restrictions have been lifted, in relation to Covid -19, the virus is still very much with us and cases are on the rise across England.
  37. Advice and Information -

    Do you need to make a complaint about health and care services? Find out who to contact in Halton.
  38. Advice and Information -

    Confused about Long Covid? Find out the common symptoms and when to get support.
  39. Advice and Information -

    It’s easy to feel isolated and alone when struggling with Long Covid, but we are here to help to you find the support and treatment you need.
  40. News -

    Healthwatch England warns that health and care services are failing in their legal duty to provide accessible information for people with physical and learning disabilities. 
  41. News -

    The COVID-19 Autumn booster should be offered to the following groups:
  42. News -

    Cheshire and Merseyside Gynaecology Network Menopause Special Interest Group have launched the Cheshire and Merseyside Menopause Survey.
  43. News -

    Record NHS waiting times appear to be increasing the number of people paying for private care, according to a new BBC analysis.
  44. Advice and Information -

    The North West has one of the highest numbers of registered lung cancer cases in England*.
  45. News -

    Are you one of the 1800 + people with MS in Liverpool Halton, Knowsley and South Sefton?

    Would you like to find out more about the support and information that is available to you locally and also share your ideas and suggestions about new services that could be developed?
  46. Advice and Information -

    If you’re removed from your GP practice’s list, you may need to register with another GP practice.
  47. Advice and Information -

    When you need specialist NHS support, like hospital tests or treatment, you often need a referral from your GP first. Find out what this includes and what to expect.
  48. Advice and Information -

    Around 21,000 people in Halton have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.
  49. Report -

    This report looks at the experiences of people, from across eight local Healthwatch, including Halton, who were more likely to be digitally excluded than the general population in accessing primary care during the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated restrictions.
  50. Report -

    During December 2020 and January 2021, a group of Healthwatch volunteers went online and visited all 14 local GP practice websites.