1. Advice and Information -

    Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below and find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
  2. Report -

    This report is based on 142 responses from residents of Halton receiving domiciliary care services to a survey carried out by Healthwatch Halton between November 2015 and February 2016. The report also includes other feedback gathered from members of the public during the project.
  3. Report -

    This is a follow up to the report produced in Dcember 2016 on Home Care services in Halton.
  4. Blog -

    Would you know where to turn for social care support? New polling finds over 40% of people don’t. This confusion can result in people not getting the care they need. Read our latest findings.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Five things you should expect from home care, domiciliary care or help in the home.
  6. News -

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