Local mental health organisation, Mind Halton has sadly announced its closure. The charity is unable to accept any new referrals and the office closed on Friday 30 August.
The latest report from Healthwatch unpacks people's experiences of using Community Diagnostic Centres across England and lessons for expanding community-based care.
A new survey (YouGov) from leading gynaecological cancer charity, The Eve Appeal, for Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month shows that that only 4 in every 100 women regularly (at least once a month) check their vulva for symptoms of vulval cancer - compared to 37 in every 100 who have regularly (at least once a month) checked their breasts. 79% of women had never checked their vulva for changes or signs of cancer, and amongst those who have heard of vulval cancer before, almost half (48%) have never checked.
Vision problems often go undiagnosed. But many children won’t tell you something is wrong because they don’t know they have a problem. They don’t have anything to compare it to, they think everybody sees like they do.
Halton libraries are now consulting on the library service opening hours to provide a more consistent offer across the library sites. Information, along with data on local needs, will be used as the basis for a review by the council.
The latest report from Healthwatch unpacks people's experiences of using Community Diagnostic Centres across England and lessons for expanding community-based care.
With the August bank holiday fast approaching, people in Cheshire and Merseyside are reminded to plan ahead by ordering any repeat prescriptions they may need and know what to do if they or a family member becomes unwell.
The coordination centre of the National NHS Patient Survey Programme (NPSP), on behalf of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) would like to recruit a selection of patients across England to join a 90-minute informal patient group discussion on their experiences of using NHS inpatient services. Feedback from these discussions will help to develop the 2024 Adult Inpatient questionnaire.
The Living Well Service bus is a drop-in service that provides routine immunisations, health checks, and information on well-being. The service offers all routine UK immunisations, including the MMR.