Dying Matters Week 2024

Dying Matters Week is the 6th-12th May. This year’s theme is ‘The way we talk about Dying Matters’, focuses on the language that we use, and conversations we have, around death and dying – specifically between healthcare professionals and patients, their carers and their families.
'Dying Matters. The way we talk about Dying Matters. #TheWayWeTalkAboutDyingMatters 6-12 May 2024' People talk and drink tea together.

The way we talk about Dying Matters

Honest, timely conversations about death and dying are essential to good end of life care. Yet all too often barriers, including lack of confidence, taboos around discussing death, and confusion about who should be having these conversations mean patients, carers and families may not understand what is happening, or get all the information and support they need.

Hospice UK are sharing what the public think about how language used by healthcare professionals has affected end of life experiences, and sharing stories from people who are dying, and the families of people who have died.

People who work in hospices around the UK are experts in death, dying, and end of life care. So they are sharing their tips and advice on how to start honest, transparent conversations about death and dying to help people feel informed, supported, and empowered at one of the most vulnerable times of their lives.

This Dying Matters Awareness Week, Hospice UK are helping communities around the UK to come together to talk about having those end of life conversations, whether with their healthcare professionals – or families, friends and colleagues.

Because the way we talk about Dying Matters.

Dying Matters support: 

Ataloss offers a national signposting service to help bereaved people find local, specialist and national support. AtaLoss.org is the UK's signposting and information website for bereaved people

Child Bereavement UK provides information and support (including a helpline) when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, and when a child is facing bereavement. Child Bereavement UK

Compassionate Employers is Hospice UK’s workplace support programme, helping organisations and their employees to build an open, compassionate culture to support staff through grief, caring responsibilities, or a life-limiting illness. Workplace Wellbeing Support | Compassionate Employers Workplace Support | Hospice UK

Cruse Bereavement Support is a national bereavement charity, which provides support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies. Home - Cruse Bereavement Support

The Good Grief Festival is a community of people talking about grief in a refreshing and honest way, with virtual talks, workshops and webinars held at online festivals through the year. Good Grief Festival

The Planning Ahead tool leads you, step by step, to think about your own values and the things that matter most to you in life and in dying. It will explain some of the treatment decisions that may lie ahead and ask you to think about whether the length of your life, or the quality of the way you live, matters more to you: Planning ahead | Hospice UK

Guide to Hospice and End of Life Care

If you're looking after someone with a life-limiting condition, find resources that can help you: Support for Carers