Safeguarding Adults week 2023

Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 takes place from Monday 20 – Friday 24 November 2023.
It’s an opportunity for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. The aim is to highlight key safeguarding key issues, start conversations and raise awareness of safeguarding best practice.

During Safeguarding Adults Week 2023, we are focusing on how you can prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of yourself and others.  

There’s a strong link between safeguarding and mental and physical wellbeing. If someone’s wellbeing is suffering, they may consider certain actions that put them at risk. The concept of ‘wellbeing’ is threaded throughout UK legislation and is part of the Law about how health and social care is provided.  Our wellbeing includes our mental and physical health, our relationships, our connection with our communities and our contribution to society. Being able to live free from abuse and neglect is a key element of wellbeing.

Any actions taken to safeguard an adult must take their whole wellbeing into account and be proportionate to the risk of harm. We should work with people to understand what matters to them and consider their beliefs, views and feelings when offering support.

Each day, we’ll be focusing on a different safeguarding theme which relates to how individuals and organisations can safeguard themselves and others; 

  • Monday: What’s My Role in Safeguarding Adults? 
  • Tuesday: Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safeguarding in Your Organisation
  • Wednesday: Who Cares For The Carers? Secondary and Vicarious Trauma
  • Thursday: Adopting a Trauma Informed approach to Safeguarding Adults
  • Friday: Listen, Learn, Lead – Co-Production With Experts by Experience

Safeguarding Week - Ann Craft Trust 

Safeguarding Support Information 

Local Safeguarding Event 

Local organisations including Healthwatch Halton, Age Uk Mid Mersey and Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board will be on hand with organisation and safeguarding information during this pop up event. 

Monday 20th November

9am -2pm

Widnes Market 

Halton Safeguarding Board