Adult Safeguarding Week 2022
Safeguarding Adults Week is a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. The week aims to enable more organisations and individuals to feel confident in recognising signs of abuse and neglect and recording and reporting safeguarding concerns.
To achieve this, each day of the week will focus on a different safeguarding theme to explore how we can respond to contemporary safeguarding challenges.
Safeguarding Adults Week – Themes for 2022:
- Monday – Exploitation and County Lines
- Tuesday – Self-neglect
- Wednesday – Creating Safer Organisational Cultures
- Thursday – Elder Abuse
- Friday – Domestic Abuse in Tech-Society
- Saturday & Sunday – Safeguarding in Everyday Life
Read more on each of the weeks topics.
What can you do?
No one should have to live with abuse. We can all help by being aware of safeguarding, types of abuse and when to raise a concern.
Awareness training:
You take part in online safeguarding at: Safeguarding e-learning courses
Take the safeguarding checklist to test your individual or organisational safeguarding knowledge and practices.
Raising a concern:
If you suspect someone is a victim of abuse tell someone, you may be the only person who can stop it. Care enough to say something. Tell someone as soon as you can.
If you are concerned about an adult and think they may be subject to abuse, you can ring Halton Borough Council Adult Social Care Services: 0151 907 8306
If the person you are worried about is in immediate danger please call the emergency services: 999
Contact the Emergency Duty Team for concerns during the evening/weekends/bank holidays: 0345 050 0148.
Report abuse online using the safeguarding alert form
Go to the Child safeguarding board information, to raise safeguarding concerns about a child.