Talk Halton supports children and young people on their language journey.
Up to 50% of children in Halton are at risk of starting school with a Speech, Language or Communication Need. Some of these needs (about 10%) are due to an underlying speech and language difficulty that make it hard to learn to talk. These children may need support from specialist speech and language services. However, many of these early communication needs can actually be preventable with access to high quality ‘talking environments’ and adults using simple talking strategies in every day routines in the earliest years.
Find all of the free information and resources you need to support children’s communication at Talk Halton:
Information and resources for communication
Find information on communication concerns, how to spot if a child has a need, types of communication difficulty and WellComm screening information.
Find more information about services to support and help children’s communication
Find information on courses and training available to support children’s communication for parents and practitioners.