Baby Loss Awareness Week

This year marks the 20th year of Baby Loss Awareness Week in the UK – a week for everyone in the baby loss community and beyond to come together to remember and commemorate our much-loved and missed babies.
Baby Loss Awareness Week 9-15 October. Blue and pink ribbon.

The week also provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of pregnancy and baby loss; the importance that bereavement support plays in the ongoing bereavement journey; and of the vital work that is needed to improve pregnancy outcomes and to save babies’ lives. 
Throughout Baby Loss Awareness Week 2022 Sands want to create a space for you to share and feel supported, whatever your experience of loss may be, about how you’ve coped, what helped (and what didn’t) so we can all learn how to better look after each other as a community and know how to get the right kind of support when we need it.

Parents and families tell Sands how important it is that they each find a way to remember their baby in a way that suits them. Some join with others at special services organised by their local hospital or a local support organisation, some find solace in events organised by their faith community while others will remember alone in a way unique to them.

It is important to remember there is no right or wrong way and it can change as the years pass too.

During last year’s #WaveOfLight messages of remembrance and hope brought many people together. Take care of yourselves and know that support is here for you now and throughout the year. You are not alone.

Sands helpline

The Sands National Helpline provides a safe, confidential place for anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby. Whether your baby died long ago or recently, they are here for you.

The telephone helpline is free to call from landlines and mobiles on 0808 164 3332.

You can also email the team at 

Opening Times: the Sands team are available to speak on the telephone from 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday and 6pm to 9pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Further emotional and practical support information is available at: Support for you – Baby Loss Awareness Week (

Wave of Light lantern walk 2022. Saturday 15th October. Victoria park, Widnes. Meeting at the band stand at 6pm. Walt ostart at 6.30pm. Please bring any torches / glow sticks or whatever you have that can make the park shine bright. Don't forget to wrap up warm. A huge thanks to Espositis who are extending their opening hours to 6.30pm. Please pop n for pre walk refreshments. A blue and pink ribbon, candle, park and lantern images.