Online directory

Here's a list of useful information on various independent support organisations to help you find support that's right for you.
Graphic of a person following sign with arrows pointing in various directions behind them, all in Healthwatch colours.

If you have details on an organisation you think should be included, please drop us an email

Welcome to our online A-Z directory

We are often asked questions about where to go for information on a variety of subjects that span across health and social care.  We've pulled this A-Z of together to provide some information to help and guide you to the right contacts.

It's by no means exhaustive. We’re still adding details to this list, so if you think there's an organisation or service we should have on the list please send us the details.

Send your information

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


Can't find what you're looking for?

You could try:


Mental health services and crisis support

Mental Health Info Point


Act 4 Women - Halton

Part of the Apex Trust. Offers support and information for woman living in Widnes and Runcorn, with a criminal record. This service also offers the opportunity to become an accredited peer mentor. 

01744 612898 (main office)

07552 234652


Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA)

AvMA is the UK charity dedicated to advising, helping, and supporting people who have been harmed by avoidable medical incidents.

Services provided by AvMA include:

  • Self-help guides: resources to help people impacted by avoidable medical harm understand their rights and the steps they can take
  • A helpline: offering a sympathetic ear and specialist advice from trained volunteers.
  • Pro bono inquest service: For eligible cases, providing support during healthcare inquests. 
  • Signposting to accredited solicitors. 

0345 123 2352 Helpline open Monday to Friday 10 am to 3.30 pm


Active Halton 

Active Halton is a Halton Borough Council initiative to bring together its wide ranging sport & physical activity offers. Active Halton offers a host of sport and fitness activities, regardless of age or ability at locations around the borough. 

0151 511 8282


The Advocacy Hub at Healthwatch Halton brings together a range of statutory advocacy services, through a single point of access, making it simpler and easier for people to get the right support they need from an advocate when they need it.

0151 347 8183


Addaction, Young Addaction and Thinkaction have changed their names to With You. We Are With You provides free, confidential support to people who have issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health. 

ADDvanced Solutions

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers children, young people and their families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, learning difficulties and associated mental health needs.

0151 486 1788

Admiral Nurses

Admiral nurses are part of Dementia UK and are commissioned by the NHS. Admiral Nurses will look at the needs of both the carer and the person living with dementia to offer expert, practical, clinical and emotional support. 

You can contact the team directly to request a referral form, which can be sent by post or by email to refer yourself to the service.

Admiral nurse service Halton. St John Unit Alforde street, Widnes. WA8 7QT. 

01928 247 130

Adult Learning

Change your life, Learn something new. Find a course in a wide range of subjects with Adult Learning.

0151 511 7788 

Adult Safeguarding

Safeguarding adults means protecting a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. No one should have to live with abuse. Tell someone, you may be the only person who can stop it. Care enough to say something.

Age UK Mid Mersey

Age UK Mid Mersey is a charitable organisation that operates to promote and provide older people in in St Helens, Halton and Warrington with a holistic range of health, wellbeing and care services so that individuals have more choice and control in their everyday lives. They also run a number of activity groups and you can contact them to find out more about the dates, times and locations. 

Walk in to see them: 44 Church St, Runcorn, WA7 1LR and Widnes Market - Stall number K3-K4

0300 003 1992

Age Well Exercise Halton 

Qualified instructors help older people with tailored exercises to reduce risk of fall by improving strength and balance. 

Speak to your GP about joining classes.

Alfie's Squad

Supporting children, and their families, who have been bereaved by suicide.

Alfie’s Squad is committed to helping children bereaved by suicide rebuild their lives with a positive, supportive community of understanding friends. Children who come to Alfie’s Squad feel less isolated and improve their self-worth.

Face-to-face sessions run in both Liverpool and St. Helens. An online support group is also available. 

07563 509689 

Alzheimer’s Society

The Alzheimer’s Society offer support and information for people effected by dementia.

Dementia support line: 0333 150 3456

Support for people affected by dementia. Can offer advice on things such as getting diagnosed, caring strategies, how to access social care, remaining independent for as long as possible, making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) etc. and signpost to organisations who can provide legal and financial advice, for things such as benefits and grants. 


Provides support for anyone affected by suicide.
The service is not just for ‘next of kin’ – anyone who has been affected by suicide and is living in the following areas can access Amparo: Cheshire and Merseyside, Lancashire, South Yorkshire and Kent & Medway. 

0330 088 9255

ARFID Awareness UK

The UK’s only registered charity dedicated to raising awareness and furthering information about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (AFRID). A charity who work to provide individuals, parents, carers and medical professionals with up-to-date relevant information, research and support.

Offers information, resources (including info cards for school and hospitals) and support for people affected by AFRID.


Association for Post Natal Illness

The Association for Post-Natal Illness is a Registered Charity.

  • Provides support to mothers suffering from post-natal illness
  • Increases public awareness of the illness
  • Encourages research into its cause/nature

 Helpline and live chat are available. 

Asthma + Lung UK

The UK’s leading asthma charity. Offer support and information for people affected by Asthma. Runs a helpline ran by a team of health care advisors and respiratory nurse specialists who can support you with expert asthma advice. 

0300 222 5800

Whatsapp chat


Axess Sexual Health Services in Halton.

Main clinic - Halton Hospital, Runcorn

Community clinic - Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Widnes Health Care Resource Centre

Young person's clinic (under 19's), Thursday's in Widnes Health Care Resource Centre

 0300 323 1300 

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Beat Eating Disorders

Beat supports people with an eating disorder and their friends and family. Beat provides advice and support for anyone concerned about any eating disorder

Adult Helpline – 0808 801 0677 available to anyone over the age of 18
Youthline – 0808 801 0711 available to anyone aged 18 or under
Studentline – 0808 801 0811 open to all students

Halton Bereavement Café

Peer led groups for bereaved adults in Halton. Held monthly at St. Marie's, Lugsdale rd, Widnes. WA8 6DB. 

Contact Laura Beechey, at Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action:

01928 509 405 


Bereavement – At a loss website

Visit the At a Loss website to find the full range of bereavement support available. 

Bipolar UK

Bipolar UK are the national charity dedicated to supporting individuals with bipolar, their families and carers. 

 0333 323 3880

Blood Pressure UK

Their aim is for everyone to know their blood pressure numbers in the same way they know their height or weight and take steps to keep them healthy, both now and in the future.

020 7882 6255

Body Positive

Body Positive is a Cheshire based charity providing a range of services in sexual health and relationships and to the LGBT+ communities. Information, support, counselling and condoms available. 

 01270 653150

Books on Prescription (Reading Well)

Halton libraries offers three Books On Prescription schemes, as provided through the Reading Agency Reading Well scheme.

The scheme covers a variety of common mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression as well a collection of books for people living with dementia, disabilities and titles aimed at young people. 

The Brain Charity

The Brain Charity provides free practical help, emotional support, and social activities.

They support anyone with a neurological condition based in the UK, as well as their family, friends, and carers.

The Brain Charity. Norton Street, Liverpool. L3 8LR

0151 298 2999

British Lung Foundation

UK charity looking after the nation’s lungs. Offers support to people with lung conditions and helps with research.

 03000 030 555

BSL 999 UK emergency relay service

999 BSL is an emergency VRS service for Deaf BSL users to contact the emergency services through an interpreter.

Available 24/7 through the website, iOS or Android. BSL users can contact the Police, Ambulance, Fire service or Coastguard using this service. For Emergency use only.

How the service works: You use 999 BSL app or Website to make a call to 999, it will go to British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter first, who will appear on the screen. The BSL interpreter will then call the 999 operator through landline and will relay the conversation. 

Building Attachment and Bonds Service (BABS)

The BABS service provides easy-to-engage, non-judgemental parent infant therapy and support, for pregnant women, new parents and their partners, who struggle with their emotional wellbeing, other vulnerabilities, and who have concerns about their bonding and relationship with their baby. 

The team includes clinical psychologists, parent infant therapists and multi-disciplinary professionals and volunteers who are passionate and committed to supporting parents.

01928 568 162

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Cadent- Locking cooker valves

This simple safety device will help individuals to retain vulnerable people's independence, and provide reassurance to family, friends and carers; as the caregiver can easily control when gas can and cannot be used safely once fitted.

0800 389 8000


Calm Your Mind- Halton men's mental health support

Calm your mind is a campaign designed with local men for local men with the ultimate aim of improving men’s mental health and reducing suicides.



Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services – also known as CAMHS – support children and young people up to age 18 with their emotional and mental health and wellbeing. 

01928 568 162

CAMHS Crisis line

CRISIS LINE: 01744 415 640 

You can contact CAMHS crisis response team 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is dedicated to preventing male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK.

Open 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Website has a web chat open 5pm-midnight 

0800 58 58 58 


Cancer Research UK Nurse Helpline

If you or someone close to you have been affected by cancer and you’ve got questions, call freephone on:

0808 800 4040

  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • Cannot diagnose you or give a medical opinion

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The independent regulator of all health and social care services in England.  The CQC inspect health and social care services, give them ratings and publish reports about them – information you can use when you’re choosing care. 

 03000 616161

Online contact form

Cass Womens Self-Injury Helplines

  • UK-wide multi-channel support service for women & girls affected by self-injury, trauma and abuse
  • Free information and self help tools for anyone to use
  • Run training and consultancy to share knowledge and expertise with a wide range of staff, especially in health, social care and education
  • Partner with other organisations and researchers to find out directly from those with lived experience of self-injury find helpful in their lives 

For women of any age or background affected by self-injury, whether their own or that of a friend or family member.

0808 800 8088

Text: 07537 432444


Change Grow Live (CGL) Integrated Recovery Service.

Help people experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol in Widnes and Runcorn. 

76 High Street, Runcorn. WA7 1AF

Aston Dane Building, Waterloo Road, Widnes. WA8 0QR 

0151 422 1400 

Cheshire Autism Practical Support (CHAPS)

 A registered charity set up by parents to provide support for families with Autism Spectrum Condition or Aspergers Syndrome whether diagnosed or not. Supporting families and providing many activities every month. 

Local office: The Old Police Station, Mersey Road, Runcorn. WA7 1DF 

 0344 850 8607

Contact form

Cheshire Cares 

Cheshire CARES (Cope And Recovery Enhanced Service) is an enhanced service offering emotional and practical support to help victims cope and recover from the impact of crime.

01606 366336

Cheshire fire service

Cheshire fire services offers free help and advice to keep you and your home safe from fires.

01606 868712


Childline is a free, private and confidential service where children can talk about anything. Available online or on the phone, anytime. Calls are free and the number won’t show up on your phone bill.

 0800 1111 (24 hours) 

Children in Care Council (Halton Borough Council)

A group of young people, who are all cared for by Halton Borough Council, who represent the views and wishes of all children in care and care leavers.

 0151 511 7130

07468 709 574

Child and Young People Safeguarding

Together We Can Tackle Child Abuse

We all have a role to play in protecting children and young people from child abuse and neglect.

All children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect. A third of people who suspect child abuse, do nothing. A number of people do not act on their suspicions because they’re worried about being wrong.

You don’t have to be absolutely certain about whether a child is being abused; if you have a feeling that something’s not right, talk to Children’s Social Care who can look into it.

Information is usually gathered from many sources, and your report would form one part of a bigger picture. In 2014/15, more than 400,000 children in England were supported because someone noticed they needed help.

If you’re concerned about a child call:

Integrated Contact and Referral Team (iCART)  0151 907 8305 (9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am-4.30pm Fridays)

Emergency Duty Team  0345 050 0148 (5pm-9am Monday to Thursday &  4.30pm - 9am Fridays; 24 hours on bank holidays & weekends)

Cheshire Police 24 hour  101 (Non-emergency) 999 (emergency) (always use secure or encrypted email)

Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK helps children, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. Offer support to children and young people up to the age of 25 who are facing bereavement, and anyone affected by the death of a child of any age.

We offer free, confidential bereavement support by telephone, video or instant messenger, wherever you live in the UK. 

Local details: 

Child Bereavement UK, 2nd floor Ashley House, Ashley Way West, Widnes WA8 7RD. 

 0800 02 888 40

Cheshire Child Bereavement UK Call: 01928 577164

Christians Against Poverty

CAP provide free debt help and community groups to those experiencing money struggles. You do not have to be of the Christian religion, or any religion to receive help and support from CAP.

01274 761999

Cinnamon Trust

The National Charity for the elderly, the terminally ill and their pets. Support with pets for example, walk a dog every day for a housebound owner, foster pets when owners need hospital care, collect cat food, or clean out the bird cage, etc. 

01736 757 900 

Contact form

Circulation Foundation

The Circulation Foundation funds and promotes research into the causes, treatment and prevention of vascular disease in the UK. 

They provide information to people with vascular disease and their families, whilst raising awareness of vascular disease and the importance of healthy veins and arteries, to ensure we can lead longer healthier lives. 

020 7205 7151

Citizens Advice Halton

Citizens Advice Halton is an independent and impartial charity.  Here to help people to overcome their problems and to come together to campaign on the big issues when their voices need to be heard. Offer a wide ranging help across subjects that include the management of debt, problems with housing and rent, relationship issues, problems at work and consumer rights. Also offer advocacy and representation services and help people to access grants and other support they need to solve their problems.

 08082 787 956 

If you have debts and need money advice, call: 0151 257 2449 

Email Enquiry Contact Form –

Colostomy Association

The Colostomy Association is a UK charity that provides support, reassurance and practical advice to anyone who has or is about to have stoma surgery. 

The primary role of the Colostomy Association is to represent the interests of people with a colostomy. They can provide support, reassurance and practical information to anyone who has or is about to have a colostomy.  

 0800 328 4257

Community Bridge Builders

Community Bridge Builders is a service provided by Halton Borough Council that supports people with disabilities, older people and carers to access mainstream services to meet the need for social inclusion, through one to one support. 

0151 511 8772

Communicate SLT

Communicate Speech and Language Therapies Community Interest Company (CIC) is a not-for-profit organisation, providing speech, language, and communication services in Halton and across the North West of England. 

Their vision (aim) is to facilitate effective communication for all, so that individuals have improved quality of life and reach their full potential.

01253 462123 

ASD pathway service and wait time update: 

Counselling Directory

Aims to be the leading service for providing counselling advice and information – connecting those in distress with the largest support network in the UK. 

0333 325 250

Contact form for email enquiries 

Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care provides support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies. 

 0808 808 1677


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Diabetes UK

Nationwide charity offering support and guidance to people living with diabetes.

Dedicated diabetes helpline available for all people with diabetes, their family or friends, and people who are worried they might be at risk.

Call the confidential helpline to talk to trained advisors with counselling skills and an extensive knowledge of diabetes.

 0345 123 2399 

Deaf Children's Society

The Deaf Children's Society give expert support on childhood deafness, raise awareness and campaign for deaf children’s rights, so they have the same opportunities as everyone else. 

0808 800 8880 Open Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am - 12:30pm. Free from all UK landlines and major UK mobile providers

Text: 0786 00 22 888 (SMS) Available Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am - 12:30pm. Texts are charged at your standard network rate or taken from your monthly allowance. 

Get in touch via sign video, contact form and live chat 

Deafness Resource Centre

The Deafness Resource Centre provides services that aim to empower, support and enhance the quality of life of D/deaf people in the St Helens, Halton and Knowsley areas. 

  • Information & Advice 
  • BSL & Deaf Awareness Training 
  • Advocacy for Deaf people 
  • Youth, Children & Families Support Services 
  • Room Hire & Meeting Facilities 
  • Interpreting 
  • Equipment 

 01744 23887 (voice) 07722095710 (text)

Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS)

An independent charity providing medical welfare to the armed forces, veterans, NHS staff, emergency services, The Merchant Navy and their immediate family when they are receiving treatment in hospital. Our practical and emotional support ensures that no one goes through the worry of illness or injury alone.

 0800 999 3697

Dementia Action Alliance (Halton)

Halton Dementia Action Alliance is a network of people, organisations and groups who wish to improve the lives of people living with dementia and their carers. 

The network is coordinated by Halton Borough Council.

0333 150 3456

Direct Link 

(formally known as One Stop Shops)

Office's available in Widnes and Runcorn for information and support around council services.

Widnes Office Brook Street, Widnes. WA8 6NB.

Runcorn Office Rutland House, Second Ave, Runcorn WA7 2ES. 

0303 333 4300 

Drive Ability North West 

If you have a medical condition, a disability, or feel older age is affecting your ability to drive, our Occupational Therapists and Approved Driving Instructors can help you drive safely and maintain or regain your independence as a driver or passenger.

0800 587 0562

Dying Matters

Hospice UK’s Dying Matters campaign is working with you to create an open culture in which we’re comfortable talking about death, dying and bereavement.

Dying Matters aims to raise public awareness about the importance of talking more openly about dying, death and bereavement and of making your wishes known. 

Hospice UK,
Hospice House,
34-44 Britannia Street,
 WC1X 9JG.

020 7520 8200



Early Intervention in Psychosis

This service is for adults age 14 to 65 who are experiencing a first episode of psychosis. You will need to have a GP in Halton or Warrington to access our service.

St Johns Unit, Alforde Street, Widnes. WA8 7QA 

0151 422 6826 

Eat at the Heath 

Eat at the Heath is a relaxed and friendly environment inviting along older people to come alone or with friends to weekly and monthly meetings to socialise and meet new people. 

01928 511 151 (or) 07761 573883

Eczema (National Eczema Society)

The National Eczema Society has two principal aims: first, to provide people with independent and practical advice about treating and managing eczema; secondly, to raise awareness of the needs of those with eczema with healthcare professionals, teachers and the government. 

Monday – Friday 8am-8pm

 0800 448 0818 Monday – Friday 10am-4pm

Ella Together 

Ella is a performing arts school for people aged from 4 to 74. They have a specialism around learning disabilities and have found that they are able to offer the same training to both people with additional needs, and to their non-disabled peers. That integration of people is changing the way others think when they see there are no differences.

Higher House, (next to Brookvale Community Centre) Northwich Rd, Brookvale, RUNCORN, WA7 6PE

01928 713877

Contact form

Endometriosis UK

Endometriosis devastates the lives of women and their families. We help them take back control. One in ten women endure unrelenting pain that affects every aspect of their lives each day. 

Endometriosis UK provide support services, reliable information and a community for those affected by endometriosis.

0808 808 2227

Contact form


Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)

An intensive home visiting programme for first time mothers aged 20 years and under. It is delivered by specially trained nurses from early pregnancy until the child is two.  For further information see website. 

Contact details

Kingsway Children’s Centre
Victoria Square

 0151 511 5602

Family Planning Association

A sexual health charity who gives straightforward information, advice and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK. 

Vision – good sexual health for everyone.

 Mission – to champion people’s right to sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing through advocacy, information, education and campaigning. 

 0300 123 7123.

Feeding Halton 

Delivers a range of projects to tackle hunger in Halton including food including affordable food groups and adressing the root of hunger.

Where to find the social supermarkets:

Queens Avenue, Ditton, Widnes WA8 8GR

The route – Grenfell House, 116 Widnes Rd, Widnes WA8 6AX

Palacefields Community Centre WA7 2UA

Castle Road Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 2BE

Fibromyalgia Association UK

Fibromyalgia Association UK provides information and support to people with fibromyalgia and their families. In addition, the Association provides medical information for professionals.


An honest, non judgemental information service on drugs. 

 0300 123 6600 Call FRANK 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Text 82111 a question and FRANK will text you back.


Gamblers Annoymous 

Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have joined together to do something about their own gambling problem and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same.

07974 668 999

General Medical Council

The GMC is an independent organisation that helps to protect patients and improve medical education and practice across the UK. Helps to protect patients and improve medical education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and doctors. Doctor’s registration status can be checked online.

0161 923 6602

Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) Clinic

The Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) department at Halton General Hospital provides a free, confidential service for anyone with worries about sexual health.

Can provide a range of tests and give advice and treatment on any aspect of sexual health.

HIV post-exposure prophylaxis treatment is also available at this service.

Sexual health services in Halton including contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections is delivered by Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Block 8, Hospital Way, Runcorn. WA7 2DA

0300 323 1300

Green Fingers Gardening Group 

A community gardening group, open to everyone. No experience is necessary. The group grows vegetables, flowers, salads and fruits, all from seed. Plots are wheelchair friendly and have raised beds.

Brookvale Community Centre. Northwich Road, Runcorn. WA7 6PE. 

Meets every Thursday 10.30am -1pm (with other weekdays also available for volunteers to use the gardens)
07530383690 - Pam Roberts 


Hack Back CIC

Help individuals overcome barriers through interaction with animals, specifically birds of prey and the countryside in combination with solution focused therapy/coaching. Interaction with the birds can be hands-on or hands-off. 

0151 257 9480 

Halton and St. Helens Voluntary and Community Action

Halton & St Helens VCA is an infrastructure organisation that provides advice, information and development support services to voluntary, community, not-for-profit and faith organisations and volunteers in the Boroughs of St Helens and Halton. 

Halton Office: 

St Maries, Lugsdale Road, Widnes. WA8 6DB 

 01928 592 405 

Halton Bereavement Support

From Listening Ear. Freephone bereavement counselling for residents of Halton. 

0800 048 5224 Monday- Friday. 10am-5pm.

Halton Cancer Support Group

Widnes & Runcorn Cancer Support Group are a local charity based in Alforde Street, Widnes. They offer support to those in the Halton area whose lives have been touched by cancer. Anyone who has been affected by cancer or by the suffering of a friend or relative is welcome at the Centre.

Support groups, counselling, beauty treatments and information are available. 

 0151 423 5730

21 – 23 Alforde Street, Widnes WA8 7TR.

 Contact form

Halton Carers Centre

Halton Carers’ Centre is one of 150 Carers’ Centres working to reach carers and develop services for them across the country. If you look after someone (no matter your age) all you need to do to register as a carer with Halton Carers’ Centre is ring, email or call in.

Centre: Halton Carers’ Centre, 62 Church Street, Runcorn, Halton, WA7 1LD.

Office: St Marie’s, Lugsdale Road, Widnes, Halton, WA8 6DB. 

Phone: 01928 580182 or 01928 592405


Halton Children and Young People Safeguarding Partnership (HCYPSP)

HCYPSP is a statutory body consisting of agencies and professionals responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people across the borough. 

If you’re concerned about a child call:

0151 907 8305 (Office Hours Mon-Thurs, 9am – 5pm, 9am – 4.30pm Fri)

0345 050 0148 (Outside Office Hours and throughout Weekends)

Cheshire Police 101 (non-emergency) 999 (emergency)

Halton Community Transport

Halton Community Transport provides safe, affordable, comfortable and accessible transport to both individuals and community-registered groups with special transport needs in the Halton area.

33 Ditton Road, Widnes, WA8 0PP

Halton Disability Partnership

Founded in 2010 to support people with disabilities. 

Hold a register of Personal Assistants (PAs) in health and social care, who work with people with disability or mental health needs, in a way that enables choice and control without the stress and anxiety of managing the process.

 Sefton House, Public Hall St, Runcorn WA7 1NG

 01928 24893

Halton Domestic Abuse Service

Support for anyone suffering from domestic abuse or violence.

Abuse is not normal and never okay. 

In an emergency situation always dial 999.  Otherwise don’t suffer in silence if you or someone you know is suffering from domestic violence and abuse, call or text Halton Domestic Abuse Service on 0300 11 11 247.

  0300 11 11 247 

Halton Families Information Service

Halton Families Information Service (FIS) is a free, impartial service giving detailed information on local childcare and a wide range of services for children and young people aged 0-19 years and their families in Halton. 

 0151 511 7375  

Halton Haven

Halton Haven Hospice provides palliative care through a range of services to individuals and support for their families in Widnes, Runcorn and surrounding areas. The Hospice aims to relieve the sickness, suffering and distress of people resulting from serious and terminal illnesses. 

Barnfield Avenue, Runcorn. WA7 6EP. 

 01928 712 728

Halton Health Improvement Team

Across the life span services to promote and improve mental and physical health and wellbeing, including:

  • Infant Feeding and Breastfeeding Support
  • Stop Smoking Services
  • Fresh Start Weight Management
  • Age Well Exercise Classes
  • Exercise on Referral Classes (for people with conditions including cardiac, pulmonary, stroke, back pain). 

0300 029 0029

Halton Housing Support 

Whether it's anti-social behaviour issues in your neighbourhood, help with your finances, or domestic abuse, Halton Housing Support help where they can, or signpost you to partners who can also help.

0303 333 0101

Contact Form

Halton Home Treatment Team (Brooker Centre)

The Home Treatment Team provides intensive home support for adults with mental health problems in Halton to support them to manage their conditions in a community setting and prevent readmission to hospital.

The team involves families and carers, using a flexible approach which provides an alternative to inpatient admission and supports early discharge from hospital. The Home Treatment Team can visit you at home or in another community setting if you’d prefer. 

The service is available from 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

The Brooker Centre, Hospital Way, Runcorn. WA7 2DA  and Vine Street Resource Centre, 30A Widnes Road, Widnes. WA8 6AD

  01925 664 000

Halton Homeless Support

Halton Borough Council provide an emergency homeless service. However this is for those who are unable to assist themselves in the short term and who meet strict criteria, set by Government.  Alongside this service the Council will try, wherever possible, to help before you become homeless.

0151 511 7979 (9am – 5pm Mon to Fri) or 0333 000 4300 outside these hours.

Halton Independent Living Centre

Halton’s Independent Living Centre is a resource centre for anyone who wants to know more about equipment for independent living. It is for people with disabilities and their carers, professionals and other organisation.

 Collier Street, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1HB 

01928 582920 

Halton Safeguarding Adults Board

Halton Safeguarding Adults Board is a partnership of key agencies who’s primary aim is to help keep people in Halton safe. Safeguarding Adults Boards are a statutory requirement under the Care Act 2014 and have 3 core duties they must adhere to, which are: 

  • To publish a strategic plan for each financial year that’s sets out how it will meet its main objectives, assuring that local safeguarding arrangements and partners act to help and protect adults in its area 
  • Publish an annual report detailing what the SAB has done during the year to achieve its main objective and implement its strategic plan 
  • Conduct any Safeguarding Adult Reviews as required under the Care Act 2014 

If you are concerned about an adult call Adult social care services on: 0151 907 8306

Emergency duty team (evenings/weekends/ bank holidays): 0345 050 0148

 Safeguarding Adults Alert Form | Halton BC

Halton SEND Parent Carers Forum

Halton SEND Parent Carer’s Forum offers a voice for parents and carers living in Halton with children with a disability or special education needs. Supporting contact for parent carers and service providers in Halton.


Halton SEND Partnership

Halton SEND Partnership is here for;

  • Young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability 
  • Parents and carers of Children and Young People who have Special Educational Needs and Disability 

If you need information, advice, guidance or support on any issues that are affecting your own, or your child’s education contact for confidential, free, impartial information. 

 0151 511 7733

Halton Sensory Service

Fully integrated sensory service geared to meeting the diverse needs of people with sensory loss. Offer a wide range of free services including home equipment, Advocacy, befriending, talking books. 

Phone: 0151 511- 8801

Text: 07988 095 668

Halton Speak Out

A self advocacy group for people with learning difficulties. 

Working with Self Advocates, Family Members, Staff Teams and Professionals to help people get better lives and have a voice.

01928 795171

Halton Stop Smoking Service

Support to quit smoking. A local team of advisors who use tried and tested ways to help you change your smoking habits and improve your health. 

0300 029 0029

Halton Youth Cabinet

Halton Youth Cabinet is open to anyone in Halton aged 11 – 18 who wants to work with local decision-makers to ensure young people’s voices are heard. 

With direct links to Halton Borough Council, Youth Cabinet has the ability to make a real impact and improve the lives of young people across Runcorn and Widnes. 

07867 503 745 

Harmless -the national service for self harm

Harmless provide support, information, training and consultancy about self harm to individuals who self harm, their friends, families and professionals with a view to promoting health and recovery, reducing isolation and distress, and by increasing awareness and skill in intervention.

Contact form

Hate Crime Victim Support – Remedi UK

The Cheshire Hate Crime Victim Service are a support service for all victims and witnesses of hate crime and hate incidents.

Hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards a person based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity.

Hate crime can be any criminal or non-criminal act such as graffiti, vandalism to a property, name calling, assault or online abuse using social media.

A friendly team of Triage Workers and Support Workers will work with you to assess your needs following the hate crime and build a tailored support plan with you to address these needs, enabling you to cope and recover from the Hate Crime.

  • Confidential emotional and practical support
  • Support at court
  • Advocacy
  • Access to a range of support agencies
  • Support with your Victim Personal Statement

Can support you whether the offence has been reported to the police or not.

Work in partnership with local and national charities across the region to ensure you are receiving the best support in your recovery.

0800 640 6466  (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)


Headz Up - Children and Young people's mental health drop in

If you are 17 or under and are worried about your mental health and wellbeing, drop along to Mersey Care's weekly HeadzUp drop-ins, in Runcorn and Widnes, to speak to a mental health professional about any concerns you have.

Every Tuesday 2.30-4.30pm The Hub Grangeway, Runcorn. WA7 5HA

Every Thursday 2.30-4.30pm Warrington Roads Children's Centre, Widnes WA8 0BS. (Widnes sessions will begin 6th June 2024). 

01928 568 162 

Health Visitor Teams

Health Visitors sit at the heart of children’s services and work in close partnership with parents and carers from the antenatal period until school entry. The team is community based and is accessible across a range of different venues, including the family home, health centres, children’s centres or GP surgeries.


  • St. Paul’s Team – 01928 842534 
  • Hallwood Team – 01928 593402 
  • Castlefields Team- 01928 842783 
  • Murdishaw Team- 01928 842829 


  • Kingsway Team- 0151 495 5016 
  • Warrington Road Team- 0151 511 5880 
  • Chapelfield Team- 0151 495 5200

Hearing Voices Network

Website for people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual perceptions. Contains information, videos, stories of personal experiences and a forum. 

Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol is a scheme adopted by several police forces within England & Wales in partnership with Local Authorities and other agencies. It is a simple risk reduction tool to be used in the event that an adult with care and support is reported missing.

Herbert Protocol Form

HIV support – North West HIV Support CIC

Northwest HIV Support offer counselling and support for people living with HIV and their families and also a drop in environment where people can come in for a coffee and a chat or to do some activities and feel in a safe positive place. 

Call: 07562926367

Households into Work 

Households into Work is a programme to help people find work and supporting people to get to a point where they start to think about work as a realistic option. They support long-term unemployed people who have difficulty finding and sustaining employment due to a range of issues, including financial crises, mental health problems, the risk of eviction or homelessness, domestic abuse, social isolation or chronic health issues.

0151 330 1005

Hub of Hope

Hub of Hope is the UK’s most comprehensive national mental health support database. Download the free app or text HOPE to 85258 to find relevant services near you.


Independent Travel Training 

Independent Travel Training focuses on enabling individuals with disabilities to travel independently to and from school, college and other social activities. It is open to young people with any kind of additional need from 11 to 19 years of age.   

Infant Feeding Support 

Halton Borough Council offers an informal antenatal workshop on Infant Feeding, telephone support, home visits and free advice sessions for parents and other family members who want to find out more about introducing solid foods.

0300 029 0029                                                                                                                                                

In Our Place online learning

A variety of free online learning for people in Halton. These online courses are dedicated to improving emotional health and wellbeing in parents, children, teenagers, adults and grandparents. 

Courses include; Understanding Trauma, Pregnancy, The Teenage Brain, Relationships and Child Mental Health and Wellbeing. 

Several courses are available in different languages such as; Polish, Arabic, Urdu and Somali.



Kind to Your Mind website 

Kind to Your Mind is a website which can help support the mental health and wellbeing of people living and working in Cheshire and Merseyside.

Kind to Your Mind was created to connect people who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing with tips, advice and support in all forms, from apps and online courses, to crisis intervention. 

Kooth – Free online advice for young people

A unique service that provides young people who have emotional or mental health problems with support when they need it most. Kooth provides users with a free, confidential, safe and anonymous way to ask for help. Kooth is a transformational lifeline that has successfully helped and continues to reach the very vulnerable, many of whom would never have access to face-to-face counselling.


Learning Disability Community Team

Supports adults in Halton who have difficulties using mainstream adults' health services because of a learning disability. This could be for a number of reasons, such as problems communicating or problems with mobility. 

Halton Learning Disability Community Team, Bridges Learning Centre, Crow Wood Health Park, Crow Wood Lane, Widnes, WA8 3LZ

0151 351 8899


Libraries in, Widnes, Halton Lea, Runcorn and DittonOpening Times | Halton Libraries (

Living Well Service

The Living Well service, delivered by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, operates on a drop in basis and provides routine UK immunisations, health checks, and mental wellbeing support at the heart of communities via the Living Well Bus. 

The Living Well Bus supports communities to live well through:

  • Blood pressure
  • Pulse checks
  • Cholesterol check
  • Blood glucose check
  • BMI check 
  • Direct referrals to talking therapies 

Lee Cooper Foundation

Provides mental health support to young people age 11-24 in Knowsley through 1-1 support, group support, workshops. You do not have to be from the Knowsley area as long as you can get there you are eligible to join. 

Contact form (find at the bottom of the website). 

Let’s Go Stroke Club

A mutual support, self help club for people who have suffered a stroke and their carers in Halton, Cheshire. Host monthly social meetings, at the Halton Stadium, Widnes, arrange days out and social events. 

 07806 790635 / 0151 4951686

Contact form  

Live Well – NHS

Advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.

Long Covid Support

Long Covid Support want everyone affected by Long Covid to have access to the appropriate treatment and support. An online support group is available.

Long Covid Support Group

Lyme Disease UK

Lyme Disease UK help advance awareness, diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease in the UK.


Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support provides support from the moment you're diagnosed, through your treatment and beyond. Offering emotional, physical and financial support.

 0808 808 00 00

Contact form for email enquiries

Making Space

They provide a variety of community-based support, including: early intervention and prevention, health and wellbeing, befriending and rehabilitation services. They also have an employment development service which support individuals to a build their confidence. 

Head office Lyne house, 46 Allen Street, Warrington. WA2 7JB 

 01925 571680 


If you have lost your usual spark, having more off days, or if anxiety is starting to creep up during your working day, maximus are here for you via the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service free of cost. 

0300 456 8114

Contact form

Meals on Wheels Map

Your one-stop-shop for finding Meals on Wheels services delivering in your area. 

For adults in the UK considering Meals on Wheels, their carers, and the wider public:
Use the map to find providers that deliver directly to your area and access valuable information on the services available.

For Meals on Wheels providers, health and social care professionals, commissioners, and policymakers
The map serves as a hub for information, helping you connect with other providers, refer adults to services, and make data-driven decisions to improve service delivery.

The Meals on Wheels UK website also has a wealth of information and resources relating to Meals on Wheels. 


Mencap is a national UK charity representing the views and daily experience of people with a learning disability and their families. Mencap is the leading voice of learning disability. It campaigns for equal rights by challenging discrimination and disadvantage, raising expectations and removing barriers to social inclusion.  Everything it does is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers.

 0808 808 1111 

(9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday)

Mental Health Assessment Team

The Assessment Team provides specialist assessment, advice and signposting for adults with moderate to severe symptoms of mental illness such as severe depression and anxiety, as well as conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Our team is here to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Halton Assessment Team (Runcorn)
The Brooker Centre
Halton Hospital
Hospital Way

Halton Assessment Team (Widnes)
Vine Street Resource Centre
30A Widnes Road

01928 247 105

Mental Health Crisis Line

People living in Halton who are experiencing a mental health crisis can now access support through a new, 24/7, mental health crisis line. 

The crisis line is the first port of call for Halton residents experiencing a mental health crisis. The line is operated by people in the local area who will know how best to support you.

The crisis line is FREE to call and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to people of all ages, including children and young people.

0800 051 1508

Mental Health Support Team (schools)

Mental Health Support Team (MHST) service will provide direct mental health support to 45 primary and secondary schools in Halton. The service aims to promote the early detection and prevention of mental health problems across the whole school, and strengthen links between schools and mental health services. The team will provide direct, ongoing support to schools around mental health and wellbeing.

01925 664 120


Mersey Care is one of the largest NHS trusts providing physical health and mental health services in the North West, serving more than 1.4 million people across our region and are also commissioned for services that cover the North West, North Wales and the Midlands.

If you need help in a mental health crisis, you can contact your local 24/7 mental health crisis line (Freephone):

  • Mental health crisis line for people in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington: 0800 051 1508 

  • Mental health crisis line for people in Wigan: 0800 051 3253

If you live outside these areas and need help in a crisis, please visit the NHS website

Mersey Region Epilepsy Association 

Helpline and fieldwork services are available, free of charge, to people with epilepsy and their families living in Merseyside and Cheshire to support them. 

0151 298 2666


MindEd (for teachers)

MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people’s mental health.


Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a progressive disease that attacks the motor neurones, or nerves in the brain and spinal cord. This means messages gradually stop reaching muscles, which leads to weakness and wasting. MND can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe. However, not all symptoms necessarily happen to everyone and it is unlikely they will all develop at the same time, or in any specific order. 

The MND Association improve care and support for people with MND, their families and carers

 0808 802 6262


Multiple sclerosis (MS) Society

The MS Society offer support, research and information for anyone affected by MS. 

The MS Helpline provides support and information to anyone affected by MS in the UK. 

0808 800 8000 Monday to Friday 9am-9pm (not including bank holidays). Contact them in any language 

Next Generation Text service– 18001 0808 800 8000 

Post – MS Helpline, 372 Edgware Road, London, NW2 6ND.

Liverpool, Knowsley and Halton Group

Group contact number: 08000 439 521

Local group main contact:


National Autistic Society 

The National Autitic Society helps people with autism in the UK, be it running specialist schools, campaigning for improved rights or training companies on being more autism-friendly.

I am autistic card

0207 833 2299 (Monday to Friday 9am-12pm and 1-3pm)

National Eczema Society

The National Eczema Society has two principal aims: first, to provide people with independent and practical advice about treating and managing eczema; secondly, to raise awareness of the needs of those with eczema with healthcare professionals, teachers and the government. 

11 Murray Street, London, NW1 9RE

 0800 448 0818


NCNW is a unique service encompassing safe & secure Emergency Accommodation for vulnerable people and a suite of Mental Health & Wellbeing services inclusive of Social Prescribing for the wider community.

Offer Mental Health Support services, Counselling, Anger Management, Mediation and Property pathway support to children and adults. 

194 Warrington road, Widnes. WA8 0AT. 

0151 345 6454 /  0151 245 3896 

Northwest HIV Support CIC

Northwest HIV Support offer counselling and support for people living with HIV and their families and also a drop in environment where people can come in for a coffee and a chat or to do some activities and feel in a safe positive place.

No Panic

No Panic is a national registered charity, that helps and supports those living with Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders. No Panic’s guiding philosophy is that people can and do recover from mental health issues (however severe they may be), and go on to live lives of their own choosing if they are provided with tailored made needs. All recovery services are provided over the telephone or internet which allow enormous flexibility, comfort and confidentiality to those we support. Aim to offer immediate help to those in urgent need through the helpline/crisis line, website chat service and social media.

Crisis Number- Recording of the Breathing Technique 24/7 01952 680835.

Helpline Number: 0300 772 9844 (Helpline that is staffed by trained volunteers, available from 10am to 10pm every day of the year.)

Youth Line: 0330 606 1174


OCD Action

Provide support and information to anybody affected by OCD, work to raise awareness of the disorder amongst the public and front-line healthcare workers, and strive to secure a better deal for people with OCD. OCD Action is recognised as a strong voice for people with OCD, a vital source of help and the Charity that makes a real and lasting difference to anyone affected by OCD.

 0300 636 5478

OCD Youth

OCD Youth is run by young people with OCD, for young people with OCD. They organise trips and outings, run online meet-ups, take part in campaigning activities write articles and awareness resources, produce videos and media, and much more.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is named after Oliver McGowan, whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have better training.

 The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a statutory requirement that regulated service providers must ensure their staff receive learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role.

FAQ page on The Oliver McGowan training

One Halton

Group of local health and community organisations in Halton working as one, to join up services, share ideas and resources and tackle the borough’s biggest problems together.

Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service

Op COURAGE is an NHS mental health and wellbeing service across England supporting the whole armed forces community from those leaving service, reservists, veterans, and families/carers. Op COURAGE offers a range of specialist support and treatment for members of the armed forces community

Veterans can self-refer, or be referred by a family member, a third sector organisation or their GP. 

0300 373 33 32 

Available 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week. 


PAC UK - Adoption and Permanency support - First Family Service 

PAC UK provide independent advice and support to birth parents and relatives whose children have a plan of adoption or have had children adopted in the past.

National PAC-UK Advice Line: 0300 1800 090

Family Connect Advice Line: 0300 1800 205 (Specialist advice and support for adult adoptees, their descendants and birth relatives who wish to reconnect with their relatives.)


Pancreatic Cancer UK

Pancreatic Cancer UK is the national charity fighting pancreatic cancer on all fronts: Support, Information, Campaigning and Research. Run a confidential Support Line for anyone affected by pancreatic cancer. Our pancreatic cancer specialist nurses can provide individual specialist information about pancreatic cancer, treatment options and managing symptoms and side effects. 

 0808 801 0707.

PANDAS Foundation – Pre and Post Natal Depression Advice and Support

The PANDAS Foundation is here to help support and advise any parent who is experiencing a perinatal mental illness.  We are also here to inform and guide family members, carers, friends and employers as to how they can support someone who is suffering. 

 0808 1961 776

Pan Cheshire Missing and Child Sexual Exploitation Service

Services prevent or stop child exploitation, raise awareness amongst young people and provide training for professionals, parents and carers.

020 7336 4800

PAPYRUS – Prevention of young suicide

Aim to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.

If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice.

 0800 068 41 41

 Text: 88247

Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. (Weekends and Bank Holidays included)


Parents in Mind

Parents in Mind is an NCT peer support service for mums experiencing mental health difficulties in pregnancy & up to two years after birth. Group & 1-1 support is offered by trained volunteers who too have lived experience of MH difficulties. 

07702 900894 

Parkinson’s UK

If you have Parkinson’s, or you know someone who has, you can find information and support. 

 0808 800 0303

The Parkinson’s UK helpline is a free and confidential service for Parkinson’s information and support.
Emails answered within 5 working days.

Text relay: 18001 0808 800 0303
Textphone number for textphone users only.

Local Parkinson’s support group:

 01928 574518

Park Runs

Parkrun is a free, community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate.

Register for Park Run

Patient Participation Groups (PPG)

Each GP practice holds its own Patient Participation Group (PPG) at different times through the year. If you would like to attend, please contact your practice to find out the details.

Contact form


Pause work to improve the lives of women who have had – or are at risk of having – more than one child removed from their care, and the services and systems that affect them. Their vision is of a society where women who experience the removal of children into care are given the best possible support, so that it never happens more than once.

Lead Halton and Knowsley contact: Jessica Hill

07554 919691

Peer Talk 

PeerTalk is a national charity that provides weekly volunteer facilitated peer support groups for people living with depression, anxiety and other emotional distress. 

PeerTalk offers a forum for sharing and listening, providing encouragement and hope to attendees. As a result of practical suggestions on coping with depression offered by other participants, individual attendees report improvements in several areas, including well-being, (in particular, self-esteem), and the ability to manage depression on a day to day basis.

 07719 562 617 (Call or text)

Pelvic Pain Support

  • Provides support, information and advocacy for those with pelvic pain, their families and carers.
  • Promotes education about pelvic pain in the curriculum of health professionals and amongst the public.
  • Encourages and supports research to increase knowledge and understanding of the impact of pelvic pain.

Plus Dane/SHAP Floating Support Service

Working in partnership with Plus Dane Housing Group, SHAP provides community based housing related support for men and women aged 18 and over in the borough of Halton (Widnes and Runcorn). The scheme offers support regardless of the level of need – from low to complex, people who are renting properties or are homeowners.

Jackson House, Second Avenue. Runcorn. WA7 2PD 

 0800 169 2988


Positive Behaviour Team

The Positive Behaviour Support Service (PBSS) is a specialist service that works to support behaviour change and improved quality of life for children with autism and/or learning disabilities who engage in challenging behaviour.  The Team Includes:

  • Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBAs*)
  • Assistant Behaviour Analysts
  • Specially trained Behaviour Practitioners

 0151 511 8444


Rape and Sexual Abuse Support RASASC (Cheshire & Merseyside)

The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Cheshire & Merseyside) is a registered charity that aims to provide crucial specialist support, independent advocacy, counselling, help and information, for those affected by rape, sexual assault and/or abuse – a free of charge service delivered in a safe and non-threatening environment. 

Counselling and therapeutic work: Counselling for men and women affected by rape or sexual abuse.  A specialist young person’s counselling service.  Counselling for non-abusing family members.  Workshops and group work for various groups of people.

PO Box 35, Warrington. WA1 1DW 

 01928 477980

Information helpline:  0330 363 0063 

Read Well 

Reading Well supports you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading.

Recharge and Restore 

Their mission is to help you to feel recharged and restored; able to go about your day and your week with more clarity and feel better after a bereavement. 

 07808 160315 or 07533 044283

Red Cross 

The British Red Cross provide practical, local and emotional support to people around the UK.

0808 196 3651

Contact Form

Remedi - see Hate Crime Victim Support – Remedi UK H

Rethink Mental Illness

Find information and advice about mental illness, living with mental illness, rights and benefits and a carers hub.

0121 522 7007

Rise Above

Website containing interesting and useful stuff from the web and beyond to get young people talking about all the things that matter . You’ll find inspiring and useful stories, videos, games and advice. Includes information on self help, confidence and stress. 

Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion helps members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families. Support starts after one day of service and continues through life, long after service is over.

0808 802 8080

Visit Liverpool pop in: 25-31 Williamson Street, Liverpool. L1 1EB. Opening hours weekdays 10am – 4pm

Online chat

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

The RNIB is one of the UK’s leading sight loss charities. They offer help and support for blind and partially sighted people – such as; practical and emotional support, campaigning for change, reading services and more.

0303 123 9999- Monday-Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 9am-1pm.    

0203 432 1488- to listen to recorded information at your leisure.

Runcorn and District Food Bank

Runcorn and District Foodbank is part of a national network of foodbanks across the UK run by The Trussell Trust. Clients are referred by many front-line care agencies, who identify people in need, and give them a voucher that they can exchange for a food parcel containing nutritionally-balanced food at our foodbank centre.

01928 577679



SafeCall is a free, confidential and anonymous helpline and support service for young people and family members that are affected by missing, county lines and criminal exploitation.

The service also provides confidential support and advice for professionals in relation to their work with an exploited young person or family.

The service is open 9am to 11pm; 7 days a week.

116 300 

Safe Families

Safe Families is a charity that works with 35+ local authorities around the UK.  Safe Families offer hope, belonging and support to children, families and care leavers. 

0333 4141488 

Contact - Safe Families 


If you have a safeguarding concern please report it. Safeguarding is about protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse or neglect.

You may suspect that someone is being harmed or abused because:

  • You have general concerns about someone’s wellbeing
  • You see or hear about something which could cause abuse
  • Someone tells you something has happened or is happening to them which could be abuse

How can I report concerns?

Adult safeguarding

 0151 907 8306

Emergency duty team (evenings/weekends/ bank holidays): 0345 050 0148

Child safeguarding 

Integrated Contact and Referral Team (iCART)  0151 907 8305 (9am-5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am-4.30pm Fridays)

Emergency Duty Team  0345 050 0148 (5pm-9am Monday to Thursday & 4.30pm-9am Fridays; 24 hours on bank holidays & weekends)

Cheshire Police 24 hour   Tel 101 (Non-emergency) 999 emergency

Email: (always use secure or encrypted email)

National guidance “What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused” for those who come into contact with children and families in their everyday work, including people who do not have a specific role in relation to child protection.


Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. 

Samaritans operates a 24-hour service available every day of the year. 

If you prefer to write down how you’re feeling, or if you’re worried about being overheard on the phone, you can email Samaritans at

If you need a response immediately, it’s best to call them on the phone.

Call 116 123. The number is FREE to call.

116 123 

Sam's Diamonds 

Sam's Diamonds' is a women's cancer support group who provide positive experiences, direction and opportunities with ladies who understand how you are feeling and who refuse to let cancer stop them in their tracks.

St Maries, Lugsdale Rd, Widnes, England, UK, WA8 6DB

01928 593113


SAMM provides a wide range of peer support services to people bereaved by murder and manslaughter. There is no time limit on becoming a member. Services are open to everyone regardless of how long ago they were bereaved.

0121 472 2912

Text: 07342 888570  


Sarcoma UK 

Sarcoma UK is a national charity that funds vital research, offers support for anyone affected by sarcoma cancer (Sarcoma is a type of cancer that can appear anywhere in the body) and campaigns for better treatments.

0808 801 0401 (freephone) (2 day reply time) 

Text: 07860 058830 


School Health Widnes Team

School Nurses are public health nurses who lead and deliver the Healthy Child Programme for school-aged children and young people. The community based teams work in partnership with school-aged children, young people and their families to address health needs and to promote health and wellbeing with a focus on early help and support. 

Health Care Resource Center, Oaks Place, Widnes, WA8 7GD

 0151 4955018                                                                                                                                  


SeeAbility specialise in supporting people who have learning disabilities or who are autistic, who may also have sight loss or complex support needs, to live ambitious lives and achieve things they never thought possible. Whether that is forming more friendships and relationships, enjoying new experiences and activities or finding employment.

01372 755 000

Self Injury Support

Self injury Support is a national organisation that supports girls and women affected by self-injury or self-harm. The organisation have carried out extensive research with women who self-injure, and through their work have developed a deep understanding of the reasons individuals harm themselves and of the things they may find helpful or supportive. Also have wide experience of the concerns and needs of workers in different settings and disciplines, and in developing good working practice. 

Women’s Self-injury Helpline 0808 800 8088 is open to women of all ages, Tuesday and Thursday, 7pm – 9.30pm

SEND (Special Education Needs & Disability)

Brookvale Children’s Centre, Woodhatch Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1BY

0151 511 7733 

Sepsis Trust 

The UK Sepsis Trust (UKST) exists to fight this life-threatening condition, stop preventable deaths and support those affected by sepsis. 

0800 389 6255

Contact Form

ShopMobility- Warrington

ShopMobility is a network of centres which hire out mobility equipment to the public. This equipment is mainly manual wheelchairs, powerchairs and mobility scooters so people with restricted mobility can enjoy independence outdoors. These hire services are low cost or sometimes free to all ages of people looking to access shops and leisure facilities. 

Golden Square Car Park, Leigh Street, Town Centre, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 1QU

Contact Form

SHOUT! Your Voice Matters

Young peoples participation group. Open to CAMHS service users, former service users, potential service users and young people who would like to make a difference to mental health services in their area. It is an opportunity to have their voices heard. 

Thorn Road Clinic, Thorn Road, Runcorn. WA7 5HQ 

 01928 568162 


Shelter exist to defend the right to a safe home. Because home is everything. 

  • Offer advice and support services offer one-to-one, personalised help with housing issues and homelessness.
  • Online expert information about everything from reclaiming your deposit to applying as homeless.
  • Emergency helpline open 365 days a year to answer calls from anyone struggling with a housing issue or homelessness.
  • Solicitors provide free legal advice and attend court to help people who’ve lost their homes or are facing eviction.

0808 800 4444

Webchat Available Monday - Friday 9am-5pm 

The Silver Line

The Silver Line a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The Silver Line is the confidential, free helpline for older people, open every day and night of the year. Our specially trained helpline staff: 

  • Offer information, friendship and advice
  • Link callers to local groups and services 
  • Offer regular befriending calls 
  • Protect and support those who are suffering abuse and neglect 

 0800 470 8090 

Skin Camouflage Services- Changing Faces

Changing Faces is the UK’s leading charity for anyone with a scar, mark or condition. The specialist Skin Camouflage Service gives people living with a visible difference a choice over their appearance and a sense of control over how they want to look day to day.  

 0300 012 0275 

SOBS – Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide exist to meet the needs and break the isolation experienced by those bereaved by suicide. We are a self-help organisation and we aim to provide a safe, confidential environment in which bereaved people can share their experiences and feelings, so giving and gaining support from each other. We also strive to improve public awareness and maintain contacts with many other statutory and voluntary organisations. We offer a unique and distinct service for bereaved adults across the UK, run by the bereaved for the bereaved. We currently help around 7000 people each year and we continue to grow in response to significant unmet demand. 

National Helpline: 0300 111 5065 9am-9pm Monday to Sunday

 07580 358 312 (St. Helens group)

Sole Survivor – PTSD Support

Sole Survivor is a support hub for people from all walks of life that are currently affected by PTSD; from those who have survived and want to share their experiences, advice on treatments and wellness with other people, to those who just want to be in an environment where people “get” how you feel.

The Foundry Business Centre, Marcus St, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 1EU

Stroke Association

This organisations offers a website and contact numbers to support you before or after a stroke as well as offering advice and suggestions on what to do before, during and after a stroke if you were to have one. 

Telephone 01928 249487

Mobile 07717 275 763

Helpline 0303 3033 100

Students against depression

Students Against Depression is a website for students who are depressed, have a low mood or are having suicidal thoughts.

+44 (0) 1635 869754

Suicide Liaison Service AMPARO (Cheshire & Merseyside)

AMPARO provides support for family members in Merseyside and Cheshire, following suicide. Support is provided 1:1 and our staff can also assist with a range of practical matters such as dealing with Police and Coroners, helping with any media enquiries. 

 0330 088 9255 

Support After Suicide

Website offering help and support for people bereaved by suicide. They also have downloadable resources and booklets available. 

Sure Start to Later Life

Sure Start to Later Life is an information service for the over 55’s in Halton providing a free, personal and confidential information service to help people to live a happy and independent life. 

The overall aims of the service are to help older people to:

  • Maintain or regain independence
  • Improve your health and well being
  • Make new friends and get out more
  • Learn new skills
  • Remain in your own home
  • Prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness

Grangeway Community & Youth Centre, Grangeway, Runcorn. WA7 5HA. (0151 511 8610) 

 01928 569498


Terrance Higgins Trust

The UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity. Offer information, support to people living with HIV, amplify their voices, and help people to achieve good sexual health. 

Terrance Higgins Trust Direct helpline

Contact THT Direct for support, advice and information. Open 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

0808 802 1221 or visit Live chat  

Teenage Helpline

Teenage Helpline have a team of caring mentors that are on hand to listen to you 24/7. 

Trained mentors will talk about any issues that you may have, from struggling with your mental health to going through a difficult stage in your life. 

If you’re not quite ready to talk, take a look around the website – you may find all of the information that you are looking for.

The Autism Wellbeing Project

Based in Halton, the Autism Wellbeing Project offer autism-specific therapy designed to meet a persons unique needs and preferences, creating a comfortable and inclusive environment.


Contact Form

The Mix

Essential support for Under 25’s, 365 days a year, for absolutely anything you’re going through. You can contact them by phone, email or web chat. They also have an app. The website provides information and support for several mental health issues. 

 0808 808 4994

Online chat and support information

Think Wellbeing (IAPT)

Think Wellbeing offers free NHS therapy for people in Halton with common mental health problems like anxiety or depression, to help you change the way you feel by changing the way you think.

St Johns Unit, Alforde Street, Widnes. WA8 7QA 

 0151 292 6954 

Trans Unite 

Online service to find trans support groups near you.

Contact Form

Triumph Over Phobia (TOP UK)

A UK registered charity specialising in supported self help for sufferers of phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder and other related anxiety disorders.

01225 571740

Contact form


UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative 

The UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative enables public services to better support families with feeding and developing close and loving relationships so that all babies get the best possible start in life.

Breastfeeding resources

Support for parents resources 

Sleep and night time resources 

United Utilities Priority Service 

Priority Services is free and could help you, your family or your friends benefit from additional support from United Utilities water company so they can respond quickly to those particular needs. Extra support offers in events such as loss of water. 

Register For Priority Service 


Venus Charity (this organisation will close on 16/04/2024 and referrals for family support have closed). 

Venus aim to empower, promote and support women, young women and their children in developing their potential, recognising their choices, achieving their goals and challenging injustice.

P2P project –  Parent to Parent Volunteer Support Programme offers parents/carers and their families a high level of support through trained volunteers and partnership work. 

 0151 474 4744

Contact form

Veteran's Breakfast Club 

All veterans, serving personnel and their families welcome every Tuesday at 10am, first Saturday of the month at 12pm and last Sunday of the month at 12pm. 

The Royal British Legion Club, Castle Road, Runcorn, WA7 2BE.

Vision Matters

Vision Matters aims to promote healthy eyesight and offers any advice on how to keep your eyes well looked after and as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

Contact form

Vision Support

Supports vision impaired people and raise awareness of their needs.


Warrington Disability Partnership

Warrington Disability Partnership (WDP) is an independent, user led Social Enterprise committed to valuing everyone’s life skills, experience and individuality to enable positive change. Who actively promote independent living by providing information on peer counselling, housing, equipment, personal assistance, transport, access, employment, education, training and other services. 

 01925 240 064 

Contact form

Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provides services at Warrington Hospital, Halton General Hospital and the Cheshire and Merseyside Treatment Centre. The main addresses and telephone numbers for the hospitals are: 

Warrington Hospital, Lovely Lane, Warrington WA5 1QG 

01925 635911 

Halton General Hospital - Nightingale Building , Hospital Way, Runcorn WA7 2DA 

01928 714567 (Outside office hours you can contact Halton General Hospital via the main switchboard on 01925 635911) 

Cheshire and Merseyside Treatment Centre – Captain Sir Tom Moore Building, Earls Way, Runcorn WA7 2HH

01928 701777 

Wat Phra Singh

Wat Phra Singh UK is a Buddhist Temple and Meditation Centre in Runcorn.

88 High Street, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1JH

01928 575444

Welfare Rights 

The Welfare Rights Service provides advice, information, and representation on all aspects of Welfare Benefits and debt problems to residents of Halton.

 0151 511 8930

Wellbeing Enterprises

Wellbeing Enterprises is a social enterprise with the mission to support individuals and communities to achieve better health and wellbeing. Offer free well-being courses, activities and personalised support. 

Wellbeing Enterprises also offer support and help to people assessed as having Long COVID ,by their GP, including access to a Long COVID support Group.  

Bridgewater House, Old Coach Road. Runcorn. WA7 1QT. 

 01928 589 799

Widnes Foodbank

Widnes Foodbank know that anyone can reach crisis point and are here to help when that happens. If you need help find out how they can support you.

0151 422 0031

Widnes Vikings

Various community projects around mental health, including the Offload programme for men. 

DCBL Widnes stadium, Lowerhouse Lane, Widnes. WA8 7DZ.

Sean Mellor:

Widowed and Young

WAY is a UK charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who's lost a partner before their 51st birthday – married or not, with or without children, inclusive of sexual orientation, gender, race and religion.

Contact Form

With You

With You is a charity providing free, confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.

Online chat service 

Womb Cancer UK

Set up in April 2011 by womb cancer survivor Kaz Molloy, Womb Cancer UK is a small organsation that provide online support for women with womb cancer and also raise awareness of this cancer.

Women’s Centre

Halton Women's Centre is based in the heart of the community and provided by a partnership between Halton Borough Council and Halton CCG. It is a safe and independent setting which offers a fantastic range of services to support, inspire and motivate women of all ages. Supported by dedicated staff, volunteers and specialist services, tailored support is available to improve the physical, social and emotional wellbeing for the women of the Halton community.

Opening times

  • Mon, Tues, Thurs 9:30am – 5pm
  • Wed 9:30am – 8pm
  • Fri 9:30am – 4:30pm

Halton Women’s Centre
Pendennis Court

 01928 566073 

Women's Health APP (Cheshire and Merseyside)

A local women's health APP covering a variety of issues including; mental health, contraception, fertility, menstrual Health and gynaecological conditions, menopause, pelvic floor health, and maternity.

The APP has been created to improve access to timely, high-quality evidence-based, clinically safe, non-profiteering, information, services, and treatment, specific to women’s health, including where to access support across Cheshire and Merseyside.





Young Minds

Mental health support for children, young people and their families. Whether you want to understand how you’re feeling, find ways to feel better, or support someone who's struggling, they're here to help.

YoungMinds Parents Helpline for information, support and advice.  

0808 802 5544. Open Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4pm.  You can also find lots of information and advice on the parent section of our website.

Online chat  Open Monday to Friday, from 9:30am to 4pm or leave a message for a reply within 5 days. 

Young Persons Advisory Service 

Providing mental health and emotional wellbeing services for Liverpool’s children, young people and families.

0151 707 1025

Your Covid Recovery 

Website with information and support about covid and how to deal with long covid. 

Contact Suggestions 

Youth Fed

Youth Fed is a youth charity that supports over 5,000 young people between the ages of 10 and 29, helping to improve the lives of young people through celebrating and delivering activities.  Based in the North West it offers a range of different services for young people and youth organisations – These programmes give young people the chance to develop their skills and reach their potential, setting you up for success in the future. 

0151 3571971

Contact form 


Zero Suicide Alliance

The Zero Suicide Alliance is a charity hosted by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust dedicated to preventing suicide. We work in collaboration with NHS trusts, non-profit organisations, local authorities, businesses and individuals to raise awareness of suicide and its contributing factors. 

Contact form

Suicide Awareness Training