Warrington and Halton Hospitals Listening Events report 12/24

In total, we heard from 107 people during six Listening Events.
Due to the number of responses received the views and experiences expressed cannot be considered representative of all patients. The report is presented to provide a snapshot of the experiences of those who took part and to highlight areas for consideration by the Warrington & Halton Hospitals.
Warrington & Halton Hospitals response
The Listening Events Report provides us with detailed feedback on our services across both hospitals within WHH, whereby it is pleasing to note that 89% of our patients that provided their feedback rating the care and treatment received from staff to be excellent or good.
The document also assists WHH to identify key areas of focus to improve the experience of our patients and families whilst receiving care from our hospitals. WHH remains committed to supporting improvements ensuring patients, carers and families have a positive experience. To ensure we can achieve these improvements it is vital we are able to hear from those we serve, therefore we welcome this report and its recommendations.
In response to the findings the Patient Experience and Inclusion Team are committed to continue to work collaboratively with Healthwatch to ensure continual improvement. The Patient Experience and Inclusion Team will undertake a full review of the report and recommendations made. Positive feedback will be shared, and recommendations will be mapped against existing workstreams. For any gaps identified, additional actions will be initiated. The Patient Experience and Inclusion Team will provide regular updates of associated actions at the Patient Experience and Inclusion Sub Committee, where Healthwatch continual feedback will be welcomed as an integral member of that committee.
Ali Kennah, Chief Nurse
Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust