14+ LD Health Check Review report

Halton SEND Parent Carer Forum and Healthwatch Halton worked together and completed a project to assess the eligibility for 14+ annual health checks in Halton and the impact for those with SEND who do not meet the criteria.

A total of 121 people from Halton participated in the project. Six people engaged in the focus group, ten children and young people in a face-to-face discussion, 93 individuals completed the families survey, and 12 medical staff completed the professionals survey. 


The feedback received from all participants was very mixed from personal experiences of 14+ annual health checks, the awareness of them and the eligibility criteria. In addition to the sentiments of medical support received and the subsequent standard of medical professionals’ experience and their understanding of SEND. 

Feedback received from the survey and focus groups did provide evidence of some positive experiences of 14+ annual health checks, such as reasonable adjustments made. 

However, the data also showed there is significant room for improvement in this area, with almost two thirds of individuals entitled to an annual health check did not have a positive experience. 

Feedback highlighted from the SEND community, the lack of awareness and knowledge of the 14+ annual health checks and the criteria for them. Furthermore, there was also a lack of understanding of what a learning.



  1. Annual health checks should be offered to all those with SEND, not just those eligible with a LD.
  2. Improve 14+ annual health checks:
  3. Review the quality of annual health checks.
  4. Ensure they are SEND friendly and a positive experience.
  5. Ensure consistency across Halton in the delivery of health checks.
  6. Ensure reasonable adjustments are put in place when required.
  7. Ensure a robust annual recall system is in place in all surgeries across Halton, to ensure eligible patients are contacted within the relevant timescale.
  8. Commissioners to liaise and work with HSPCF and Healthwatch to improve health services in Halton. 
  9. Improve learning disability (LD) awareness:
    1. Review how those with SEND are diagnosed with a LD.
    2. Review LD nurse support to individuals with a LD and their families.      
  10. Improve communication between medical professionals and SEND families.
  11. Deliver current SEND awareness training to medical professionals and to ensure there is continuity at GP surgeries across Halton. 
  12. Explore the implementation of one-page documents for SEND individuals, this will assist medical professionals being up to speed of the patients’ needs prior to the medical assessment taking place.
  13. Improve training and communication between health and education professionals. 
  14. Improve medical professionals understanding of advocacy. 
  15. Improve health inequalities for those individuals with SEND. 


Report response

Response received from Philip Thomas, Associate Director Transformation and Partnerships - NHS C&M ICB Halton Place 

Thank you for the time and efforts Halton Healthwatch and Halton Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Parent Carer Forum (HSPCF) have spent in reviewing individual’s experience of the 14-years+ annual health checks (AHCs) in Halton and consideration of whether the eligibility for an AHC should be broadened to include individuals with SEND.

The findings in the report support NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board’s (NHS C&M ICB) aim to improve the quality and uptake of AHCs for those 14 years+ with a learning disability in Halton.

NHS C&M ICB Halton Place would like to thank you once again for the dedicated efforts and tireless support you provide to championing Halton SEND CYP voices. 

We look forward to working together with you and all our Halton SEND partners in achieving the best possible outcomes for individuals with SEND and their families both now and in the future. 

To read the full response to all the report recommendations please download the report below.


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14+ Annual Health Check review report

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