How are we coping?

During April and early May 2020 we carried out an online survey asking local people to give us feedback on how the Covid-19 was affecting them. 191 people responded to the survey.

This feedback report highlights some of the themes and issues raised.

Our report provides a snapshot of people’s view and experiences on how Covid-19 has affected their lives during the seven weeks since lockdown on 23 March 2020.

We received a wealth of comments detailing individual personal experiences of the impact, both positive and negative, of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak on local people’s health, wellbeing and their daily lived experiences of accessing health and social care services.

From the responses received we can see that people’s lives have been impacted in a variety of different ways.

  • Many people are struggling with the isolation and uncertainty
  • There has been a rise in anxiety and a loss of coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic with almost two thirds of people saying their mental health and wellbeing been adversely affected by the outbreak.
  • Over 40% of respondents had been affected by the cancellation or postponement of appointments and treatments for both physical and mental health conditions. This also had the knock-on effect of increasing their stress and anxiety levels.

Community Spirit

Despite the quite significant worries and concerns that people have about the pandemic, many highlighted positive aspects that helped them in their day to day life. There was praise for the support available locally during this difficult time, mainly through a variety of online community support groups. Many people also commented about an improved community spirit locally.

‘The Halton community have been amazing in the support we have received both in donations and the wonderful words of comfort.’


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How are we doing? Covid-19 public feedback report

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