Have your say on GP services

Residents across Cheshire and Merseyside are being urged to make their voices heard and help shape the future of local GP and health services by taking part in a survey launched by local Healthwatch.
people sitting in a GP waiting room

Plans to improve patient access to primary care services were launched in spring 2024. We want to see what change, if any, people have noticed since then in their experience of GP services. 

The survey, open to all residents, will allow individuals to share their personal experiences of using, or attempting to use, GP services in the past 12 months. 

The information gathered will be used to identify gaps in services, highlight areas of improvement, and provide recommendations directly to service commissioners, ensuring that the voice of the community is reflected in service planning and delivery.

With over 2.7 million people living in Cheshire and Merseyside, it is vital that everyone has the opportunity to influence the future of their healthcare. Whether you’ve had positive or negative experiences with local services, your feedback can make a difference in the way care is delivered for you, your family, and your community. 

The survey is available online and can be accessed via local Healthwatch websites. Paper copies and alternative formats are also available on request via local Healthwatch.

The survey will remain open over winter. The results and recommendations will be published on local Healthwatch websites and shared with Cheshire & Merseyside Integrated Care Board and local partners in Halton.

"This is a great opportunity for people to have their say about local GP services. We know that everyone’s experience is different, and by listening to the voices of those who use the services, and taking these experiences to the ICB we can help drive positive change that reflects the real needs of our communities. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete, but the impact could be far-reaching."

Dave Wilson, Chief Officer, Healthwatch Halton

Take part in the survey by visiting - https://bit.ly/hwh24gp or click the button below

Take part in the survey

or by using the QR code below
