Share your views on NHS Talking Therapies

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is looking at digital technologies used to pre-assess people before clinical assessment for NHS Talking Therapies and would like the views of people who have previously used the therapy service.
NHS Talking Therapies are psychological therapies for people who are experiencing depression or anxiety disorders.

The survey

The survey is for adults who has accessed NHS Talking Therapies, or a parent, carer or guardian of an adult who has accessed NHS Talking Therapies, when they were at least 16 years old.

NICE want to hear your views on digital technologies to collect information before a clinical assessment for NHS Talking Therapies takes place. These tools, sometimes called ‘digital front door technologies’, ‘digital triage tools’ or ‘digital pre-assessment tools’, include things like online referral forms or AI-powered chatbots. They collect details such as your contact information, and details about your symptoms to help guide your clinical assessment for NHS Talking Therapies. 
You do not need to have used any digital technologies in the past, as NICE would like views from both people who have and haven’t used digital technologies.

If you’ve used NHS Talking Therapies, please complete the NICE survey, about your experience of pre-assessment (also known as triage). 

Take part in the survey

The NICE survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

The survey will close at 12 midday Friday 7th February 2025.

All responses are anonymous, you won’t be asked for any personal details like your name or where you live. Any potentially identifiable information that you provide will be removed before the data is analysed. 

Enquiries can be sent to Erin Whittingham, Public Involvement Adviser, at: