World Braille Day 2025
Braille is a six-dot system in varying patterns of domino-like cells, providing a total of 63 arrangements for different letters and numbers. Braille is a code that can be translated into any language.
Everyone deserves, and is legally entitled to, information in a format they can understand and this day raises awareness of Braille as an additional accessible format.
By law, under the Accessible Information Standard (AIS) 2016, all publicly funded health and social care providers must ensure people are given information about their health and care in the format they can understand, such as large print, Braille, digital text files, and audio files, to mention a few.
You can visit the Royal National Institute of Blind People Braille information and United Nations website about World Braille Day for more information on Braille.
Read more from Healthwatch on the Accessible Information Standard.
Find local support from Halton Sensory Services who offer; support, information, and advice on all aspects of sensory loss in one place.