Tell us: Are you getting the eye care you need?

Complete the Healthwatch short survey and tell the NHS if you're getting the right help to prevent or deal with sight problems.
A child looks through eye test lenses.

Healthy vision is something many of us take for granted – until there's a problem.

An estimated 50% of sight loss is avoidable. That's why people must be able to have their eyesight tested regularly and, if there is a problem, get the help they need.

But can people get the right eye care? You can help answer this question by completing our short survey.  

Share your experiences to improve eye care services

Healthwatch England is undertaking a project about understanding people’s experiences of optometry and ophthalmology, working with local Healthwatch to hear people’s on-the-ground experiences of eye care services.

Healthwatch will use your feedback to help identify what's working well and whether any changes could improve the care people get.

We will ask you about your experience of eye care services in the last two years, including individuals who have in the past or are currently waiting for any specialist eye care treatment.

What do we want to know?

The survey asks you several questions to find out:

  • Are you getting your eyesight checked, and do you face any barriers?
  • If you have been for an eye test or had other eye care, what was your experience like?

Why is this important?

Your views are vital to helping Government and NHS managers understand what's working and what they need to fix.

Take the Eye Care Survey