Consultation on NICE Working Alongside People and Communities Strategy.
Improving how NICE involve and engage people and communities within their work to ensure the guidance is relevant and impactful, which should improve guidance uptake and ultimately provide the best care to people and what matters most to them.
- NICE have one single vision, “To have a best-practice approach to involvement and engagement, to improve the impact of our guidance and ensure the best care for people and communities”.
- NICE will realise this vision by delivering against five key areas of focus, each of which has a number of measurable aims to help them realise their vision over the next three years.
- NICE will adopt twelve guiding principles that will underpin everything they do and helping to foster and cultivate a positive culture of involvement and engagement across our work.
Get involved:
- You can read the draft strategy document in Word and complete the consultation survey to share your views.
- You can also access the draft strategy and consultation documents on the NICE consultation page.
- To help you prepare your answers you can read the summary of consultation questions before you submit your response.
If you aren’t able to complete the consultation via the survey please contact:
- You can share your views on NICE's strategy until 5pm on Wednesday 27th March.
- The consultation launch webinar recording will be available to view at: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - YouTube
- A focus group for people working in the voluntary and community sector will be held on Thursday 14th March 2024, from 2 – 4pm.
The aim is to have a focused discussion to understand your views on the ‘productive partnerships’ core area of focus. If you want to attend, please email: by 4th March.
Drop-in sessions:
Session's to answer any questions you may have to help you share your thoughts.
To join one of these Zoom meetings, just click on the link of the session and you will be able to join us at that specific time.
Next steps:
- The feedback you give NICE during this consultation will inform a final draft, as well as initial plans for delivery of the strategy in 2024/2025.
- The final draft will be presented to the NICE Board in May, and the final strategy will be published in Summer 2024.
- NICE will then start to translate their strategy into specific annual deliverables and activities, in partnership with the people, communities and partners they work alongside.