Men's Health Month

Men will die on average 4.5 years earlier than women and for reasons that are largely preventable, which means that it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s five ways you can give yourself the best chance at living a healthy and long life.
'Movember' Moustache image.

1. Spend time with people who make you feel good.

Staying in touch with family and friends is great for you and them too. 

2. Talk more.

Men sometimes aren’t comfortable reaching out and opening up about life’s challenges – or they think they’ll be burdening their friends if they do.

If someone you care about seems to be going through a tough time, they might not talk about it even if they want to. The first step in looking out for them is reaching out.

3. Know the numbers

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men over 45. But there’s good news. There’s a lot that you can do. Just by knowing some important facts about risk – and knowing when to take action. Just remember: early detection is key. That means understanding your risk of prostate cancer. It means knowing when to start conversations with your doctor. 

4. Know thy nuts. Simple.

Testicular cancer is the  number one cancer in younger guys. But good news: it's highly curable when caught early. Guys across the world are getting to know their nuts and you can too. 

5. Move, more.

Adding more activity to your day makes you fell better and stay healthier. 

Active Halton have lots of great activities to get involved in, including walking football, tia chi and couch to 5K. 

0151 511 8282

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