Type 1 Diabetes Survey.
The Diabetes Collaborative Clinical Trial Network would appreciate your insight and contribution in a short Type 1 Diabetes Survey. Your input will be used to develop a top 10 unanswered research priorities created by and from the Diabetes Community.
Who can do the survey?
• Anyone over the age of 18
• Living in the UK or Ireland
- Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes or close to someone who lives with type 1 diabetes (e.g. family member, partner or friend)
- A professional involved in the care of adults with type 1 diabetes
What is the survey about?
The network are looking to understand what members of the Type 1 diabetes community have questions about.
It can be about anything about type 1 diabetes that matters to you.
Who will see my questions?
All responses will remain confidential and secure.The network have contracted with QuestionPro, an independent research firm, to field confidential survey responses securely.
For more information email the network at info@diabetestrialsctn.ie