Love Your Lungs Week

Love Your Lungs Week 2023 aims to raise Awareness of Lung Conditions.

Formerly Breathe Easy Week, Love Your Lungs Week is an initiative started by the British Lung Foundation, now Asthma and Lung UK, to raise awareness and focus on lung health and takes place between the 21st and 27th June this year.
'Love your lungs week' Image of two lungs filled with flowers.

Every day you take about 25,000 breaths, mostly without thinking. Our lungs are amazing and it is important that we do all we can to look after them. Many things can affect our lung health from air pollution, diet, lifestyle, work and more. Read how to look after your lungs and manage lung conditions.

Your breath test from Asthma and Lung UK

Feeling short of breath from time to time is healthy and normal – but sometimes it can be a sign of something more serious. Answer these simple questions to see what you should do next. It should only take about two minutes.

Take the breath test


The Asthma and Lung helpline team is trained to give you information on many aspects of living with a lung condition. You can talk to the helpline about anything - from how to manage your condition, to going on holiday. Or just to chat. 

0300 222 5800

WhatsApp: 07378 606 728 

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