Health Equity Report shows growing regional health divides.

A new report has found a worrying pattern of lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality and worse health and wellbeing in the North of England.

Health Equity North: 2023 provides a snapshot of the health issues facing the North and adds to a growing body of evidence highlighting the urgent need to address regional health inequalities and improve productivity in the North.

Health Equity North (HEN), a new virtual institute focused on place-based solutions to public health problems and health inequalities across the North of England, was launched in April 2023.

The institute’s academic directors analysed the latest available data on life expectancy, infant mortality rates and self-assessed health, disability, and unpaid care, and the findings have exposed the worsening health divide between the North and the rest of England.

The North does significantly worse in all these areas, which also impacts productivity with above average rates of economic inactivity due to ill health or disability.

The key findings include:

* People born in the North can expect to live at least one year less than the English average.

* The North East of England has the lowest life expectancy – around three years less than the best performing regions

* Across the North there is an average of 4 deaths per 1,000 live births compared to 3 deaths per 1,000 live births in London and the South East – this equated to an extra 144 infant deaths in the North in 2021

* Of the 72 local authorities in the North of England, 52 (72%) have lower levels of very good or good health than the national average

* The North has higher rates of bad/very bad health with 6.9% of people in the North East, 6.4% in North West, and 5.9% in Yorkshire and the Humber reporting bad/very bad health – compared to the English average of 5.3%

* The North has the highest rates of people who report that their day-to-day activities are limited a lot by a disability: North East (9.8%), North West (9.1%), Yorkshire and the Humber (8.2%) – compared to the English average of 7.5%

* The five local authorities with the highest levels of people who report a disability limits their day-to-day actives a lot are located in the North: Knowsley (North West; 13%), Liverpool (North West; 12.7%), Blackpool (North West; 12%), Manchester (North West; 11.4%), and Hartlepool (North East; 11.3%)

* The North has higher rates of economic inactivity due to ill health or disability: 5.7% in the North East, 5.3% in the North West, 4.7% in Yorkshire and the Humber – compared to the English average of 4.1%

* The top five local authorities with the highest levels of economic inactivity due to long-term sickness or disability are in the North

* More people in the North state that they provide unpaid care – in the North East 10.1%, the North West 9.7%, and Yorkshire and the    Humber is 9.3%, compared to the English average of 8.9%

HEN brings together leading academics who have a unique understanding of their regional communities enabling the creation of research and policy solutions of local benefit. The institute will produce annual updates of health in the North to help and challenge local and national policy makers in their efforts to reduce regional inequalities.

Read the full Health Equity North 2023 report