You will help to promote Healthwatch Halton information, surveys and our feedback centre. This could be in your local area, to people you know, to groups and organisations you belong to, and through social media. You can also alert the team to issues or a need for information. This will allow us to share the information people require and gain further insight into any emerging local issues.
There is a huge amount of information on the internet and social media about people’s experiences and views of health and social care services. You can help us collect this information to inform our work at Healthwatch Halton, to help inform the changes health and care services can make to improve care for all. With the data being vast and ever-changing, we need volunteers to help us collect information to help identify gaps or issues in the care being provided to people in Halton.
Champions can help ensure our website and information is up-to-date and accessible to everyone. You can help us get this right, by reviewing our website and helping to keep information current.
Complete the volunteer application form